Zooey Deschanel’s Portable Garden Makes It So Easy to Grow Your Own Vegetables



Forget those rushed trips to the supermarket to grab fresh vegetables or herbs. You can now grow them at home even if you don’t have a lot of outdoor space!

Thanks to Zooey Deschanel and her partner Jacob Pechenik, you can grow your very own smart vegetable garden called Farmstand, the first product from their startup, Lettuce Grow.

The self-watering, self-fertilizing hydroponic Farmstand makes it possible to grow 200+ varieties of veggies, fruits, and herbs with just 5 minutes a week. The garden, which starts at $348, is scalable: If you want to grow more food, you just buy more units and stack them on the ones you already have.

Here’s what Zooey shared with Just Jared:

JJ: What feedback have you received about Lettuce Grow during this past month of quarantine?

ZD: I think a lot of people are surprised at how easy it is to grow food at home and so many people have been amazed at how much produce they can grow in such a small space. In a time when it’s really difficult to get groceries and a lot of people are wanting to focus on health and wellness it’s a great tool to have!

JJ: Did you ever think Lettuce Grow would be the perfect way to serve people who can’t leave their households?

ZD: I could’ve guessed but I never would’ve predicted we would all be stuck at home! I did know this was a fantastic solution for all the people who have a hard time gardening or going to the store for many reasons. And I know what it’s like to be too busy to go to the grocery store and make less healthy choices because I didn’t have any fresh vegetables.

JJ: I can barely keep my orchid alive. How would I ever be able to maintain a farmstand?

ZD: I, too, can barely keep an orchid alive! I’m terrible at gardening and I can do this. All the hard work is done for you. I just add water and nutrients and switch out the seedlings. No green thumb required.

JJ: What are some of your favorite dishes to make for your family using LG?

ZD: I love making pesto, kale salad, smoothies soups, bok choy slaw… the possibilities are endless! (Last week, Zooey shared her kale and basil pesto recipe with JustJared.com readers.)

JJ: For every 10 Farmstands sold, your company donates one to a school. What stories have you heard of schools reaping the benefits of Lettuce Grow?

ZD: Kids love seeing the plants grow, and picking them and trying all of the different kinds of vegetables and herbs. Schools are able to use the farmstands in many ways as an educational tool. Teachers and kids love them

JJ: How are you keeping yourself occupied during these crazy times?

ZD: Cooking a ton and organizing!

For more on Zooey’s smart garden, visit LettuceGrow.com!

And ICYMI, Zooey threw boyfriend Jonathan Scott a Game of Thrones-inspired murder mystery party for his birthday!


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