The cast of High School Musical reunited for a fun performance of “We’re All in This Together” during the Disney Family Singalong special and Zac Efron was even involved!
Zac is supposedly quarantined in the “middle of nowhere” with poor WiFi, but he sent in a grainy video that served as an introduction to the performance.
Director Kenny Ortega brought together Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel, Monique Coleman, and Corbin Bleu, as well as the casts of other Disney Channel movies and productions, for a great performance.
“Hi everyone, I hope that you’re safe and that you’re healthy and that you’re doing as well as possible during these unprecedented times. It’s my greatest pleasure to introduce a musical performance by some of my oldest friends, and some new ones. I hope that you enjoy, and remember, we’re all in this together,” Zac said. He unfortunately didn’t sing with the cast, but you can watch the performance below!
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