You’ll Never Guess What Kesha Did With Men’s Beard Dye



You'll Never Guess What Kesha Did With Men's Beard Dye
Kesha. Matt Baron/Shutterstock

While quarantining at her L.A. home during the COVID-19 outbreak, Kesha’s used the extra time to experiment with her beauty routine in new and unique ways.

In an interview with Refinery29, published on Tuesday, May 5, the hitmaker revealed that she’s done the obvious self-care rituals like face masks and bubble baths, but she also did something unexpected with — wait for it — men’s beard dye.

“I was at CVS Pharmacy recently getting essentials and I saw men’s beard dye and I thought, I’ll put it on my eyebrows,” the Kesha Rose Beauty founder told the outlet. “It makes them really dark and wild-looking. It’s something that I discovered in quarantine, and it’s the first time I’ve done it on myself.”

The 33-year-old’s so impressed by her results that she told Glamour, too. She called it a “weird life hack that I’ve been doing while in quarantine.”

“It’s amazing,” she added. “It really works!”

Sadly, the performer hasn’t revealed the at-home tinting process, but hopefully an Instagram Live tutorial is in the near future for fellow brow-obsessees.

Kesha’s not alone in her quest for perfect brows during quarantine. January Jones also gave herself an at-home brow tint this month and documented the process to share with her Instagram followers.

Men’s beard dye isn’t the only unexpected product Kesha’s enjoyed testing while self-isolating. “There are also these butt masks called Bawdy that I have been using, too,” the singer told Refinery29.

You'll Never Guess What Kesha Did With Men's Beard Dye
The butt sheet mask from Bawdy.

“It helps having someone put it on your butt, so that’s another perk of being quarantined with my boyfriend. It’s one of those things that, at the end of the night, brings me happiness.”

Bawdy, the brand Kesha’s fallen in love with, was specifically designed for, well, butts! The line includes everything from the sheet masks that the singer uses to a variety of butt sticks with different benefits.

Editor’s note: It’s pretty hard to go wrong with a butt mask, but it’s pretty easy to drastically mess up your brows with men’s beard dye. Be sure to do thorough research before pulling a Kesha — you’ll thank Us later.

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, Us Weekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance, and support, consult the CDCWHO, and information from local public health officials. If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.

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