Why Teen Mom OG’s Cory and Taylor Felt ‘Guilty’ Over Pregnancy News



It’s all getting real. Cory Wharton and Taylor Selfridge share their pregnancy news with Teen Mom OG producer JC Cueva during the Tuesday, April 21, episode — and admit that they weren’t feeling great at first.

“It was unexpected,” the Real World alum, 29, says in Us Weekly‘s exclusive sneak peek of the Tuesday episode. “We kinda felt a little guilty that we weren’t so happy in the beginning but now we’re excited.”

Cory and Taylor Felt 'Guilty' When First Receiving Pregnancy News Teen Mom OG
Taylor and Cory on Teen Mom OG MTV

However, Cory is bracing himself for the backlash, since he’s about to leave to film a new season of The Challenge.

“I already know what people are gonna say. ‘You have one kid at home, your girl’s pregnant but yet you’re leaving for two months,’” he explains. The Ex on the Beach alum, 25, notes that people don’t understand that while the reality competition series is fun, it’s also how they make money.

For now, the couple is focused on something else: telling Cheyenne Floyd about the pregnancy. Cory and Cheyenne, 27, share 2-year-old daughter Ryder.

“I’m 100% nervous to talk to Cheyenne about the baby,” Cory admits. “I mean, everybody knows that she’s the one that wants a baby. Well now, Taylor’s pregnant. I’m anxious to see what she says.”

Us broke the pregnancy news in October 2019 and his daughter joined them for the pregnancy photoshoot. “We just made sure that she’s been a part of it ever since we found out,” the fitness coach said at the time. “She’s so happy in her own world. She’s playing doctor! She’s unbothered.”

They also revealed that Cheyenne has been completely supportive of the pregnancy. “I went over to Cheyenne’s house and I was dropping Ryder off and I just said, ‘Hey, so Ryder’s going to be a sister!’ There’s no easy way to tell somebody that. I just had to drop the bomb,” the model told Us. “So I told her, and her sister was there. They were just asking me all the questions, like, ‘Are you OK?’ ‘How’s Taylor doing?’ ‘Does she need a doctor?’”

Cory and Taylor met in 2018 during season 1 of Ex on the Beach, and dated on and off after the show.

“I’m excited to have a daughter because I’m best friends with my mom so being a mom to a girl I hope to have the same relationship,” she told Us in the fall. “I’m ready for the mommy and me outfits!”

Teen Mom OG airs on MTV Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET.


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