Why Derick Dillard, Jill Duggar Are ‘Not Definite’ About Having More Kids



Derick Dillard and Jill Duggar Are Not Definite About Having More Kids
Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Courtesy of Jill Duggar/Instagram

Pressing pause! Derick Dillard and Jill Duggar may be done having kids after welcoming four children.

“We’ll see,” the law school student, 31, said during the April 17 episode of the “First Class Fatherhood” podcast when asked about whether they want baby No. 3. “We’re just kind of enjoying life.”

Dillard went on to say that their future family plans are “not definite.”

He and the 19 Kids and Counting alum, 28, tied the knot in June 2014 and welcomed their first child, Israel, the following year. The little one was joined by little brother Samuel, now 2, in 2017.

In June 2019, the Counting On alum opened up about her and her husband’s sex life, recommending that couples have “sex often [as one of the] ways we can love our husbands.” Duggar wrote on her blog at the time: “You both need this time together regularly. (3-4 times a week is a good start. lol).”

The Arkansas native posted about their 5th anniversary later that same month, showing off her Little Black Book of Kama Sutra. When Duggar was bashed for her book, she clapped back via Instagram.

Derick Dillard and Jill Duggar Are Not Definite About Having More Kids
Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard Courtesy of Jill Duggar/Instagram

“We are not recommending the Kama Sutra,” Duggar wrote at the time. “We believe marriage is ordained by God and husbands and wives should filter everything they read and hear together through the lense [sic] of the Bible and not practice anything unbiblical. The little book pictured is a modern, smaller, cleaner, edited version that doesn’t focus on spiritual aspects, homosexual, or other extramarital relationships, and again, we don’t take everything in there either as the truth.”

She went on to write, “It is always good to be aware and careful of what we allow into our minds, hearts and marriages. We’ve not read the actual Kama Sutra and only promote biblical marriage (i.e. between a man and woman who are married). We just wanted to clarify since there has been a lot of discussion after this post.”

The couple appeared on the first five seasons of Counting On before TLC announced in November 2017 that Dillard had been cut following transphobic tweets.

“For the record, I was never fired,” he wrote via Twitter after the news. “I just felt it best for my family to cut ties months ago, as we are heading in a different direction.”


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