Why Denise Richards Will Never Get Botox Again



RHOBH’s Denise Richards Unveils CB Me Beauty Skincare Line
Denise Richards. Courtesy of CBMe Beauty

Denise Richards is done with Botox! From now on, it’s all about natural aging for this 49-year-old beauty. With a little help from some skin creams, of course.

When speaking with UsWeekly about her CBMe beauty line, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star revealed that she relies on topical products to keep her skin in tip-top shape and steers clear from the injectables.

“I don’t do Botox and fillers and I’ve always wanted to keep things as natural as possible. I move my face a lot, so I wanted to do that,” she explains. “I did try Botox and it wasn’t for me. I don’t like the way my face feels afterward, but I definitely looked more rested.” As much as she loved the physical results, she could never get over how the strange sensation. “It made me feel like someone was pushing my forehead down or something.”

One thing she admits she’s never done, though, is fillers. However, that hasn’t kept people from speculating. “Last year I had an issue with my thyroid so I put a little weight on and people thought I had a ton of fillers in my face,” she recalls. “I’m like, no, it’s called weight gain.”

As much as it seems like she’s able to brush it off, she admits, “I’m a human being too. It is hurtful. People are just so critical.” Especially since the actress says she started taking care of her skin at a very young age.

“Ever since I was a teenager and I started modeling when I was 15 years old, I took very good care of my skin,” she says. “I kept my face out of the sun. I was always one that drank a lot of water and my skin’s a bit sensitive. So for me less was always better.” It’s this simple and effective mindset that she’s now brought to her new collection, which includes six essential anti-aging skincare products from a cleanser to a sunscreen.

“I’m in front of the camera so I do want to take very good care of my skin and that’s also why I thought it would be a great time to venture to have my own skin line,” she explains, before revealing her favorite product from the CBMe drop — the Cream Oil Moisturizer. “I want to be obviously very involved and want products that I actually use. So I definitely gave a few notes along the way.”

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