We’re Currently Living in These Comfy Bralettes — Shop Now on Amazon



These days, many of Us are ditching all of the bras that we normally wear for easy, comfy bralettes. If you didn’t own a bralette collection before, you’ve surely added more to your underwear drawer by now! Oh, and if you’ve been wearing the same two or three bralettes on repeat, it may be time to consider investing in some more options.

The easiest and cheapest way to pick up more bralettes is to buy them in bulk. Luckily, we found a four-pack set from Blulu that will cost you as little as $21 — seriously! Naturally, they are available to order on Amazon right now, and can be on your doorstep in just one week!

Blulu V Neck Cami Bra (Seamless Style)
Blulu V Neck Cami Bra (Seamless Style) Amazon

See it!

Get the Blulu V Neck Cami Bra (4 Pack) with free shipping for prices starting at just $21, available at Amazon! Get them as soon as May 13, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 5, but are subject to change.

Though you can’t handpick the colors that come in these bralette bundles, you can select which style you prefer. There are two options available — a Seamless version and a Lace version. Both bralette styles are lightly lined with removable cups. You can keep them in if you want the extra coverage — or pop them right out!

Blulu V Neck Cami Bra (Lace Style)
Blulu V Neck Cami Bra (Lace Style) Amazon

See it!

Get the Blulu V Neck Cami Bra (4 Pack) with free shipping for prices starting at just $21, available at Amazon! Get them as soon as May 13, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 5, but are subject to change.

There are slight design differences in these two styles. The Seamless option offers thinner spaghetti straps that aren’t adjustable, while the Lace bralettes have straps that are more like the ones you would find on a traditional bra. They are thicker and adjustable, so that you can create the fit that you want. Shoppers who went with the Seamless style suggest sizing up, and say they are perfect for sleeping bras or use after nursing. Both are “easy,” “breathable” and “comfy to wear,” which is exactly what we’re all after.

Both of these options provide a substantial amount of coverage, and you can certainly wear these bralettes under any type of top! Whether you’re working out, running errands or simply lounging around, they are bound to be your new go-to.

See it: Get the Blulu V Neck Cami Bra (4 Pack) with free shipping for prices starting at just $21, available at Amazon! Get them as soon as May 13, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 5, but are subject to change.

Not what you’re looking for? Shop all of the women’s lingerie, sleep and lounge attire available on Amazon here! Don’t forget to check out all of Amazon’s Daily Deals here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

This post is brought to you by Us Weekly’s Shop With Us team. The Shop With Us team aims to highlight products and services our readers might find interesting and useful. Product and service selection, however, is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement by either Us Weekly or of any celebrity mentioned in the post.

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