Wells Adams Reveals Wedding to Sarah Hyland Will Include a Taco Truck



Bonding over food! Wells Adams shares an obvious special connection with his fiancée Sarah Hyland and he’s got tacos to thank for it.

“I think that maybe was one of our first dates, I made her shrimp tacos,” Adams, 35, told Us Weekly exclusively on Friday, May 1, while promoting his upcoming stint on the new season of Worst Cooks in America. “My shrimp tacos are pretty good.”

The Mexican staple played such a key role in bringing the pair together that Wells said the food will certainly be included in their upcoming wedding. In fact, aside from a “good band,” the former Bachelorette contestant revealed that having tacos on hand is one of the most important aspects of the big day.

Wells Adams Reveals Wedding to Sarah Hyland Will Include a Taco Truck
Wells Adams and Sarah Hyland attend InStyle and Warner Bros Golden Globes After Party in Los Angeles on January 5, 2020. Broadimage/Shutterstock

“I want a taco truck there for late night when everyone’s just trashed,” he explained. “Who doesn’t want a taco?”

Though Adams’ wedding plans with Hyland, 28, are on hold at the moment given the coronavirus crisis, he’s still whipping up tasty tacos in quarantine and getting creative with the fillings. “I smoked a pork shoulder the other night,” he boasted.

While the Tennessee native admitted that he “wasn’t a very good cook,” his time on Worst Cooks in America, a Food Network show that pits bad cooks against one another, helped him improve his culinary skills. “I’m much better for sure. But like the bar was already pretty low,” he quipped.

“My whole plan was to become this amazing James Beard-award winning chef and have these amazing dinner parties with all our hoity-toity friends and no one can come over,” the Bachelor in Paradise bartender added. “So the only one that’s been really benefiting from all of this is Sarah and the dogs. I think they will all agree that I’m much better than I was before. The dogs, they don’t give a sh-t, food is food, but I think Sarah will agree that I’m better.”

As he was filming Worst Cooks in America, Adams also got the chance to spend time with fellow celebrity contestants including Dave Coulier, Bridget Everett and Real Housewives of New York City star Sonja Morgan.

“Meeting Dave Coulier was very cool, like Joey Gladstone in the flesh,” he recalled, noting that he was nervous to meet one of his idols. “Shockingly enough, he is even more awesome in person … he kept us laughing the entire time. He doesn’t have an off switch.”

As for Morgan, 56, Wells dubbed her “bonkers but in, like, the best way.”

He added: “I totally get why she makes good television … she’s fun.”

Worst Cooks in America premieres on Food Network on Sunday, May 10, at 9 p.m. ET.

With reporting by Christina Garibaldi

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