Watch Nikki Bella Tell Her Mom She’s Late: ‘I Do Not Want to Be Pregnant’



Before Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev got engaged and pregnant in November 2019, the pair had a pregnancy scare — but she didn’t immediately tell him about it. During the Thursday, May 7, episode of Total Bellas, Nikki, 36, reveals to her mom that she’s two weeks late.

While out to lunch, the pair are brought margaritas and the WWE star tells her mom, Kathy Colace, that she’s not sure she should drink it because of “a certain way” she’s been feeling. “Well, I’ve been having cravings. I haven’t had my …” she tells her mom in a new sneak peek.

Nikki Bella Pregnant Tells Her Mom Kathy Colace Shes Late Total Bellas Preview
Nikki Bella and her mother Kathy Colace on an episode of ‘Total Bellas.’ YouTube

Kathy is in shock, repeatedly saying, “Honestly?” However, she doesn’t seem mad. She tells Nikki she better have a boy — but Nikki isn’t positive that having a baby right now is the right move.

“It’s only been about a week since we got into our big argument, and honestly, this is just … this is way too fast,” the Incomparable author says in a confessional. “I have so many things going for me. And right now, to think, getting pregnant, what it would do to my life, it would completely change it. For me, it is so important to make sure Artem and I have this amazing, solid relationship and that we are ready to be parents — if that day ever comes.”

In another preview for the episode, Nikki and the pro dancer, 37, are shown getting into a fight when he thinks she flirts with another man. “I’m done,” he’s shown saying as he walks away.

Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev Pregnant Belly Instagram
Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev Courtesy of Nikki Bella/Instagram

(Luckily, viewers know that he wasn’t done — they announced they are engaged in January and a few weeks later, that they are expecting their first child together.)

After asking her mom if “two weeks late” is a bad thing, Kathy points out that she hopes their relationship is in a good place. “I hope you and Artem are doing really good because this will throw just another curveball into your relationship,” she tells her daughter. With that, Nikki reveals she hasn’t even told her boyfriend.

“Oh, my God. You kids stress the f–k out of me,” Kathy says. Nikki then replies, “Mom, how do you think I feel? I do not want to be pregnant.”

Total Bellas airs on E! Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET.


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