Upstead and Burzek Update! ‘Chicago P.D.’ Relationships Going ‘Next Level’



Chicago PD Couples Upstead and Burzek
Tracy Spiridakos as Hailey Upton, Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead, Patrick John Flueger as Adam Ruzek and Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess on ‘Chicago P.D.’ Parrish Lewis/NBC; Matt Dinerstein/NBC

More than friends? It’s definitely leaning that way. Chicago P.D. fans have been hopeful for Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer) and Hailey Upton’s (Tracy Spiridakos) working relationship to turn into something more — and it sounds like that could happen in season 8.

“There are lots of conversations about taking Upton and Halstead’s relationship to the next level,” showrunner Rick Eid told Us Weekly exclusively in a new interview. “I’m pretty sure we’ll see that happen in some form or fashion next season.”

Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead and Tracy Spiridakos as Hailey Upton on Chicago PD
Jesse Lee Soffer as Jay Halstead and Tracy Spiridakos as Hailey Upton on ‘Chicago P.D.’ GIPHY

Season 7 of Chicago P.D. was cut short due to the coronavirus pandemic, however, “the episodes we’d been working on prior to the shutdown will be usable for next season,” Eid added. “We had lots of interesting story lines involving Burgess, Halstead/Upton and Voight, but we never got a chance to shoot those episodes. Luckily, the last episode we finished turned out to be a really strong finale – in my opinion, anyway.”

Plus, it sounds like Upstead won’t be the only romance in Intelligence as Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) and Adam Ruzek (Patrick Flueger) are growing closer.

“Their relationship is always evolving – for the better,” Eid noted. “These two will always be close and just might end up together, romantically, down the road.”

Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess and Patrick John Flueger on Chicago PD
Marina Squerciati as Kim Burgess and Patrick John Flueger on ‘Chicago P.D.’ GIPHY

Squerciati, 35, also shared an update on the characters, who were last shown going out to dinner together at the end of the Wednesday, April 8, episode.

“They’re not together they just realize they love each other and are ready to be there for each other,” she said during the Tuesday, April 14, episode of Wolf Entertainment’s Instagram Live series. “They’re in a good place now.”

In February, Squerciati shared with Us that their traumatic experience with Burgess’ miscarriage this season may bring the two closer together.

“I do think that. It looks like — I’m not really sure, but it does look like, once my emotions crest, that maybe Ruzek will be able to deal with his emotions,” the New York native said at the time. “He’s sort of more focused on me and less focused on him. Once I’m through the grieving process, he kind of needs to go through that, as well. … I think we’ll get to a place where she’s able to reach out to Ruzek but not yet.”

The finale of Chicago P.D. airs on NBC Wednesday, April 15, at 10 p.m. ET.

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