Tyler Cameron Reacts to Clare Crawley’s Comment Shading Matt James



OK with the shade. Tyler Cameron and Matt James are best friends, but he thought Clare Crawley‘s recent shade about her cast members joining Cameo was pretty funny.

“I laughed. I thought it was hysterical, but I totally feel Clare out on that. You know, I understand where she’s coming from,” the model, 27, told Us Weekly exclusively while promoting his new Quibi show, Barkitecture.

Last month, Crawley, 38, tweeted a very telling message, that seemed to allude to James, 28, who was announced as part of her cast in March. “If you are doing interviews and creating Cameo accounts before you are even on my season… you are in it for the wrong reason. #dontwasteyourtime,” she wrote. The next day, he posted via his Instagram Story “for those of you who may have missed” it, that all his earnings were going to the Robin Hood Foundation to help fight poverty. (Crawley later added that her dig was “about MULTIPLE men.”)

Tyler Cameron Responds to Clare Crawley Comment Shading Matt James
Matt James and Tyler Cameron on February 9, 2020 in New York City. Swan Gallet/WWD/Shutterstock

Cameron, who has been friends with James for years, sees both sides of the argument.

“We’re in tough times right now. There are no rules to anything that we’re doing right now. So it’s kind of hard, but I totally hear her and we all kind of know who pointed at what,” the Bachelorette alum told Us. “I think when this all comes to an end and everyone’s able to talk like adults and hash things out, I think there’s great things to come out of it. So it’s fine. It’s all water under the bridge now.”

The reality star also noted that he can’t wait for the world to get to know James more. “Matt’s an incredible person. His laugh and smile is super contagious,” the contractor shared with Us. As for the advice he gave James? It was simple: “I just told him to be Matt. There’s no need to be anyone else. Be Matt and have fun. Focus on building that relationship and just enjoy the experience.”

Tyler Cameron Responds to Clare Crawley Comment Shading Matt James Good Morning America Red Rose
Clare Crawley on March 2, 2020 in New York City. ABC/Paula Lobo

When he and James aren’t making TikTok videos together, Cameron has been working on a new project: Quibi’s Barkitecture, in which he helps celebs like Lisa Vanderpump and Joel McHale makeover their animals’ homes.

“It was my first time ever meeting Lisa Vanderpump. I’ve always heard about her from all her shows and everything like that. She has this presence when she walks into a room and you’re just like, ‘Oh crap, there she is!’” he said. “She was interesting to talk to, she loved the houses. That was great. It was good to put a smile on her face and I love what she’s doing. She’s using her platform to rescue dogs and take care of dogs and put dogs in a home. I’m a huge fan of Lisa Vanderpump for that and the house turned out great. I can’t wait for you guys to see that.”

Barkitecture premieres Monday, May 11 on Quibi.

With reporting by Kayley Stumpe


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