Trista Sutter Reveals What the Bachelorettes Talk About on Zoom



Bonded for life! Trista Sutter opened up about how former Bachelorettes such as herself are staying connected amid quarantine.

“We have this text chain with all of us. And we’ve Zoomed a couple of times,” the former reality star, 47, told Us Weekly exclusively on Wednesday, April 15, while discussing her Creative Boredom Busters Inside Your Own Pantry partnership with Kellogg’s. “I was just missing interaction with anyone outside my house. And so I reached out to all the Bachelorettes and just said, ‘Hey, does anyone want to Zoom?’ And so we’ve had a couple. I need to set up another one because I’m missing their faces.”

As for their topics of conversation, they do not stray from what fans might imagine. “What don’t we talk about? Wouldn’t you like to know?” Sutter teased. “No, we’re girls. It’s a lot of girl talk.”

Trista Sutter Reveals What the Bachelorettes Talk About on Zoom
Trista Sutter Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

The Bachelor alum looked back fondly on her 2019 in-person hangout with the ladies. “We had the Bachelorette reunion last year, actually right around this time. And it was the first time I got to meet JoJo [Fletcher] and Rachel [Lindsay] and Becca [Kufrin],” she recalled. “I adore them. I loved getting to see Ashley [Hebert] and Ali [Fedotowsky] and DeAnna [Pappas] and Des [Hartsock] and Jillian [Harris] and oh, gosh. I feel very lucky to be part of this little Bachelor Nation family.”

While Sutter has nothing but love for the couples who have survived life after the show, she stopped short of picking a favorite. “That’s like choosing a child. Seriously. I feel like they’re all my children because they’re all younger than me, way younger than me. Gosh, I just, I have so many,” she reasoned. “No, I can’t say a favorite. I just love them all. They’re like my little family.”

The former TV personality met and fell in love with husband Ryan Sutter during season 1 of The Bachelorette in 2003. The pair wed in December 2003. They are parents of son Max, 12, and daughter Blakesley, 11.

Amid self-isolation, Trista has been crafting with her kids, using everything from Pop-Tarts to Froot Loops to make gingerbread houses and other inspired items: “That’s definitely something really fun that you can do with your kids to pass the time and create some memories.”

With reporting by Christina Garibaldi

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Listen on Spotify to Here For the Right Reasons to get inside scoop about the Bachelor franchise and exclusive interviews from contestants.


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