Tiny Talent! Drew Barrymore’s Daughter, 7, Shoots Mom’s Magazine Cover



A helping hand! Drew Barrymore’s 7-year-old daughter, Olive, photographed her mom’s cover for The Sunday Times Style magazine.

“The following is a dialogue between me and my daughter,” the actress, 45, captioned a Sunday, April 19, Instagram slideshow. “ME: Olive will you take pictures for the @thesstyle photoshoot. Its for a magazine people work for years to shoot for! OLIVE: Why are you asking me to shoot you, Mom? And who normally shoots you? ME: A photographer. But right now, the world is in a crazy place. Everything is an opportunity to do things differently! So what do you say? Do you want to be my photographer? OLIVE: I’m honored to be your photographer. I like taking pictures, so thank you.”

Drew Barrymore Reveals Her Daughter Olive ShotsHer Moms The Sunday Times Style Magazine Cover
Drew Barrymore attends The Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project fundraiser at The Africa Center in New York on November 12, 2019. Charles Sykes/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

The California native made her daughter promise not to shoot her from below. “Yes,” Olive replied. “And then you won’t look like you have a very big chin.”

Barrymore, who also shares her 5-year-old daughter, Frankie, with her ex-husband, Will Kopelman, clarified, “Oh no, I’m worried about looking like I have NO chin!”

In the social media upload, Olive photographed the Santa Clarita Diet star at the beach and on the grass. The little one really committed to the job, lying in the sand and getting sticks and leaves on her sweater.

The Golden Globe winner is homeschooling Olive and her sister amid the coronavirus pandemic and has “cried every day, all day long,” she admitted during a Today show appearance earlier this month.

“It was the messiest plate I’ve ever held in my life, to be the teacher, the parent, the disciplinarian, the caretaker,” Barrymore explained. “And I thought, ‘Oh, my God, and teachers have children [of their own]. Do they survive it because they get to go away and work with other kids? Have they had their children in their classroom? How did this all work?’”

The 50 First Dates star welcomed Olive and Frankie in 2012 and 2014, respectively, before she and Kopelman, 41, called it quits in 2016.

When it comes to coparenting, the Flower Beauty creator admitted in December 2018 that it “isn’t always easy.” She added via Instagram at the time: “The point is … nothing in life is. But it doesn’t mean that any bitter outweighs the sweet! … Will and I continue to marvel at what we made and try to be the best co parents we can be.”

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