TikTok Is Buzzing About This Obvious Fashion Mistake in ‘Gossip Girl’



TikTok Is Buzzing About This Obvious Fashion Mistake in 'Gossip Girl'
Blake Lively as Serena Van Der Woodsen on “Gossip Girl.” K C Bailey/Cw Network/Kobal/Shutterstock

Dutiful Gossip Girl fans are likely well aware that a reboot is in-the-works — and coming soon! To prepare for the 10-episode series, set to premiere on HBO Max later this year, fans are binge-watching the 6-season CW show to re-experience the Upper East Side drama. While doing so, one eagle-eyed viewer noticed a blatant fashion error in one of the episodes!

The TikTok user came across the mistake while watching Season 6, Episode 4, named “Portrait of a Lady Alexander.” In the first few frames, Serena Van Der Woodsen (played by Blake Lively) is filmed wearing a form-fitting peach dress.

But in the next frame, the blonde beauty’s seen with an unexpected update to her ensemble. Underneath the peach dress, she has on a pair of black sweatpants.

TikTok Is Buzzing About This Obvious Fashion Mistake in 'Gossip Girl'
The CW (2)

The video has since amassed close to seven million views, one million “likes” and thousands of comments.

Many fans were in shock, noting that they’ve watched the show numerous times, but never picked up on the hiccup. “I’ve watched GG six times already and never noticed,” said one social media user. Another wondered, “Why did I not notice this?”

Others couldn’t help but speculate why Lively was wearing the sweatpants in the first place. Many contemplated that she was probably cold on set.

One person explained, “From my experience, if it’s cold, most actors put layers on between takes and sometimes leave them on if the shot is from the waist up.”

If that’s true, then it looks like producers almost got away with the wardrobe mistake, aired for the first time in 2012.

This production error is reminiscent of the Starbucks coffee cup that accidentally made its way into an episode of Game of Thrones last May.

In a statement on May 6, 2019, HBO confirmed that the rogue coffee cup was a mistake. “News from Winterfell. The latte that appeared in the episode was a mistake,” tweeted the Game of Thrones Twitter account. “#Daenerys [AKA Emilia Clarke] had ordered an herbal tea.”

Starbucks joined in on the social media fun the next day and tweeted, “TBH we’re surprised she didn’t order a Dragon Drink.” Iconic.

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