This Silky Sleep Set Is the First Step to Your Ultimate Beauty Rest



Sleeping in the same old T-shirt night after night? It’s true — we all have that one comfy tee that has the unique ability to make Us feel incredibly comfortable and at ease! That being said, an upgrade is never a bad idea. There’s something to be said about a cute sleep set and how it can make you relax when it’s time to hit the hay!

Throwing on a chic outfit before a busy day often sets the tone for fabulosity, and it’s the same when it comes to a matching PJ set. Ahead of a much-needed beauty rest, being draped in the best gear available goes a long way. We’re loving this silky short and cami combo that will surely leave Us feeling luxe before curling up under our covers.

Ekouaer Satin Sleepwear Cami Shorts Set (Light Blue)
Ekouaer Satin Sleepwear Cami Shorts Set (Light Blue) Amazon

See it!

Get the Ekouaer Satin Sleepwear Cami Shorts Set for prices starting at just $7, available at Amazon! Get it as soon as May 15, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 11, 2020, but are subject to change.

The simplicity of this satin-like sleep set is what we love most about it. There are no lace embellishments or complicated cutouts that would place it in the lingerie category. It’s completely plain and easy to wear, which is exactly what we want in our sleepwear!

The bottoms are cut high in both the front and the back, which is ideal because they won’t lead to an awkward constriction in our legs that similar sleep shorts can. An elastic in the waistband keeps the shorts on the hips, and there are two small slits on each leg to provide even more breathability. The cami also scoops up at the sides to create a perfectly loose-fitting feel. The tank has adjustable straps in the back that meet to form a racerback look.

Ekouaer Satin Sleepwear Cami Shorts Set (Navy Blue)
Ekouaer Satin Sleepwear Cami Shorts Set (Navy Blue) Amazon

See it!

Get the Ekouaer Satin Sleepwear Cami Shorts Set for prices starting at just $7, available at Amazon! Get it as soon as May 15, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 11, 2020, but are subject to change.

There are 14 different colors to choose from, all of which appear to be absolutely stunning. The size availability is also strong — you can scoop up this sleep set in everything from a size S to an XXL. A good night’s rest starts before you actually get in bed. It’s all about the rituals and routine that can make your beauty sleep the best that it can be, and these pajamas just may be the first step!

See it: Get the Ekouaer Satin Sleepwear Cami Shorts Set for prices starting at just $7, available at Amazon! Get it as soon as May 15, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 11, 2020, but are subject to change.

Not what you’re looking for? Check out more styles from Ekouaer and shop all of the women’s lingerie, sleep and lounge wear available on Amazon here! Don’t forget to check out all of Amazon’s Daily Deals here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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