This Not-So-Basic Hoodie Can Even Be Worn With Heels



We tend to not think of sweats in a very complicated manner. With dresses or blouses we’re paying attention to every stitch, every fabric, every corner, but a plain hoodie is just…a plain hoodie. That is, until you try on a plain hoodie that’s not so plain after all!

Just because a design seems simple, lacking visual intricacies, does not mean that it’s simple at its core. Think about it. Your old hoodies may have turned raggedy after multiple washes, pilling, fading and fraying. You may have thought, “Well, that’s just what happens with hoodies,” and you were right. About those hoodies. These hoodies, however, are a whole different world!

BELLA+CANVAS Solid Crop Hoodie

See it!

Get the BELLA+CANVAS Solid Crop Hoodie for just $48 at Nordstrom with free shipping!

Even just a quick look at this B+C hoodie proves to you that it’s different. The fabric somehow looks cleaner, sleeker — and the fit is actually…flattering? Yes! Your eyes do not deceive you. As one reviewer said, this hoodie has “the perfect crop length,” its raw hem creating a modern effect that is only heightened by the drop sleeve detail!

At the end of those long sleeves you’ll find ribbed cuffs, and back up top you’ll find the generous hood — drawstring in tow. Even this drawstring somehow exudes a sort of contemporary elegance. The flat design, aglet-free ends and matching color just work beautifully on this cotton-blend piece!

BELLA+CANVAS Solid Crop Hoodie

See it!

Get the BELLA+CANVAS Solid Crop Hoodie for just $48 at Nordstrom with free shipping!

This hoodie is currently available in four colors, though the black and white versions are especially selling fast, so this is not a piece to leave on your wish list for too long. The other two color options are simply perfect for spring. Military Green has Us wishing we were outside lying in the grass right now, while Peach has that fruity, floral cuteness to it that has Us wanting to pull out all of our orange-tinted blushes and lipsticks!

BELLA+CANVAS is famous for its premium basics like this hoodie. The USA-made quality and commitment to sustainability are not features we’d just pass over, and the easy styling of every last piece is just the best for getting dressed on the go. This hoodie will go with anything and everything, from terry shorts, to skinny jeans, to a high-waisted skirt! While it’s still a hoodie, its upgraded design actually makes it acceptable to wear to more places, and it can even be the statement piece of your next outfit. Try it with some faux-leather leggings and loafers or even belted slacks and block heels. Try it with everything, actually!

See it!

Get the BELLA+CANVAS Solid Crop Hoodie for just $48 at Nordstrom with free shipping!

Not your style? Check out more from BELLA+CANVAS here and shop more sweatshirts and hoodies available at Nordstrom here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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