This Bamboo Foot Detox Is Insomnia’s Worst Nightmare (Plus Free Peel!)



You’ve heard of detox teas and juices, detox clay masks and detox supplements, but have you ever thought about detoxing your feet? Whether you’re walking around and picking up dirt barefoot or sweating in socks and sneakers, your feet go through a lot, and the way they feel can easily affect the rest of the body!

A foot detox isn’t as out there as it sounds. It’s as simple and sticking a couple of patches to your feet and going to sleep. Anyone suffering from insomnia, stress, a lack of focus or even chronic pain is especially going to want to stick with Us here, because we found detox pads ready to take on all of the above and more — and they even come with a bonus foot peel!

Vexcore Bamboo Vinegar Foot Pads

See it!

Get the Vexcore Bamboo Vinegar Foot Pads (30-Pack) for just $21 at Amazon! Get it as soon as May 9, 2020! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 1, 2020, but are subject to change.

These bamboo vinegar pads are made with 100% natural, vegan ingredients and are FDA- and CE-certified. They claim to have a wide variety of benefits, including improving the quality of your sleep, increasing your energy levels, reducing swelling, relieving pain and even improving circulation. All you have to do is stick them to the soles of your feet just before bed!

These pads are made with a high-quality adhesive and shoppers assure that they won’t come off in the middle of the night for all you usual tossers and turners. They also have a cool mint scent, which is calming and therapeutic to lull you into a sweet slumber — no, they don’t smell like vinegar!

Vexcore Bamboo Vinegar Foot Pads

See it!

Get the Vexcore Bamboo Vinegar Foot Pads (30-Pack) for just $21 at Amazon! Get it as soon as May 9, 2020! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 1, 2020, but are subject to change.

The best part of using these patches may be in the morning when you peel them off and see how their previously blue centers have turned black from collecting toxins overnight. It’s a little intense to look at, but wildly satisfying, kind of like a nose strip. The other best part? The results you feel, of course! Shoppers say they sleep like babies with these on and that they’ve helped with everything from knee pain to cutting out that extra cup of caffeine in the morning!

When you use these patches, along with the included foot peel, you may start to feel like a new person. The exfoliating foot mask claims to help you shed dead skin — which is perfect for while we’re staying home — leaving you feeling incredibly soft. Shoppers say that calling their feet smooth would be an understatement. We want in!

See it!

Get the Vexcore Bamboo Vinegar Foot Pads (30-Pack) for just $21 at Amazon! Get it as soon as May 9, 2020! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, May 1, 2020, but are subject to change.

Looking for more? Check out other foot health products here and shop all of Amazon’s Daily Deals here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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