These Incredibly Fuzzy UGG Slippers Are 40% Off at Nordstrom Right Now



Can one own too many pairs of slippers? The answer is no, and that has never been more true than right now. We’re basically operating with two different styles of footwear at the moment: sneakers and slippers. Loafers and mules have taken a backseat, so why not pick up fresh versions of the shoes we use the most?

Treating your feet to some cozy, high-end slippers doesn’t have to cost you a fortune either. We found a pair of adorable UGG slippers that are so incredibly comfy, magically fuzzy and on sale for a fantastic price!


UGG Fluffette Slipper (Black Wool)
UGG Fluffette Slipper (Black Wool) Nordstrom

See it!

Get the UGG Fluffette Slipper (originally $90) on sale with free shipping for just $54, available at Nordstrom! 

The UGG Fuffette Slipper is such a fabulous shoe that’s perfect to wear around your house — especially when you’re relaxing and trying to unwind. They are a slight departure from what you would typically think a pair of UGG slippers would look like. Instead of having a suede exterior, these slippers are fuzzy all over! They’re dressed head to toe in UGGpure wool shearling — the trademark material that the Australian-born brand is known for.

These slippers come in a neutral tan and a darker black shade. The lighter color scheme is more synonymous with the UGG brand, thanks to the light tan wool material and chestnut brown lining. The sole matches the lining on this slipper, which ties the whole look together. The darker pair has black wool material throughout, with a dark grey wool lining that contrasts beautifully. You’ll definitely feel comfort all around when you slip your feet into these ultra-luxe slippers!

UGG Fluffette Slipper (Natural Fabric)
UGG Fluffette Slipper (Natural Fabric) Nordstrom

See it!

Get the UGG Fluffette Slipper (originally $90) on sale with free shipping for just $54, available at Nordstrom! 

These shoes are meant to be worn and enjoyed indoors. If you’re going outside for a brisk walk or a run, you can easily imagine how amazing your feet will feel in these UGGs once you come back and are ready to post up on the couch. Oh, and the price is truly unbeatable. It’s rare that a pair of slippers as timeless and classic as these go on sale, and this is the ideal time to take advantage of this deal!

When UGG first splashed on the scene, their most famous shoe was their classic boot. But we’re so thrilled that they’ve created a whole line of styles since then, as they suit practically every occasion in our daily lives. There isn’t a shoe that we need more right now than a pair of seriously plush slippers!

See it: Get the UGG Fluffette Slipper (originally $90) on sale with free shipping for just $54, available at Nordstrom! 

Not what you’re looking for? Check out more styles from UGG Australia and shop all of the women’s slippers available at Nordstrom here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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