These $24 Leggings From Amazon Are the Affordable Alternative to Lululemon!



Everyone is obsessed with Lululemon leggings. Their loungewear is some of the best on the market, and there’s a reason why the cult following is so strong. The only problem? Not everyone can afford the hefty price tags.

Sure, we can invest in a single Lulu piece — but buying multiple pairs of their leggings just isn’t realistic right now. Luckily for Us, we’ve just discovered an amazing pair of leggings that are just as great for a fraction of the high-end Lululemon price. And you can order them right to your front door from Amazon!

CRZ YOGA Women's Naked Feeling I High Waist Tight (Navy)
CRZ YOGA Women’s Naked Feeling I High Waist Tight (Navy) Amazon

See it!

Get the CRZ YOGA Women’s Naked Feeling I High Waist Tight for just $24, available at Amazon! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, February 5, 2020, but are subject to change.

One of the most popular legging styles available from Lululemon right now are the Align Pants. They’re some of the best high-waisted leggings — period! But this pair of CRZ YOGA High Waist Tights are seriously just as incredible — especially considering that they’re only $24!

Both the Lululemon Align leggings and the CRZ YOGA have the same 25-inch high-waist inseam, so you can expect the same fit with either of these pairs. They also have the same soft and thin fabric design to them, prompting one Amazon reviewer to proclaim that the High Waist Tights are “the closest thing [they] have found” to the Align Pant.

CRZ YOGA Women's Naked Feeling I High Waist Tight (Camo Multi)
CRZ YOGA Women’s Naked Feeling I High Waist Tight (Camo Multi) Amazon

See it!

Get the CRZ YOGA Women’s Naked Feeling I High Waist Tight for just $24, available at Amazon! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, February 5, 2020, but are subject to change.

If it’s still hard for you to believe that these Lulu dupes are legit, there are tons of other reviews praising them. One shopper says that “the fit and design are identical,” but that the fabric does differ a bit. They say that these CRZ YOGA leggings “are a little more scuba feeling in the fabric,” which has led many reviewers to suggest sizing down so that the fit is just as snug. That same shopper added that the fabric is still “super thin” just like the Align Pant, which is what inspired them to award these leggings a glowing five-star review!

Of course, there are going to be some differences between the Lulu and the CRZ YOGA leggings. But considering their significantly cheaper price and the quality that you get with the Amazon option, there’s nothing to lose. Let’s get to it!

See it: Get the CRZ YOGA Women’s Naked Feeling I High Waist Tight for just $24, available at Amazon! Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, February 5, 2020, but are subject to change.

Not what you’re looking for? Check out more styles from CRZ YOGA and shop all of the Amazon Fashion here!

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