The Most Stunning Bouquets to Order Now for Mother’s Day



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We’re just about two weeks away from Mother’s Day. This is an especially important year to plan ahead when it comes to what to get for mom — so she feels extra special and loved!

It’s crucial to get your order in early due to the uncertain climate we’re living in. Many e-commerce retailers have already experienced delays in their delivery schedules because of an unprecedented influx of sales. With families not being able to travel for the holiday and gather together for in-person gifting, bouquet orders are about to skyrocket! That said, it’s best that you have everything organized now so that your flowers get to mom right on time! Luckily, FTD makes this process as easy as possible. You can set your delivery date and see which bouquets are available to you. With that in mind, here are some of our favorite arrangements that you can pick up from FTD for floral inspiration!

This Light Pastel Bouquet

Simply Gorgeous™ Bouquet
Simply Gorgeous™ Bouquet FTD

For an extravagant bouquet with an understated color scheme, this one is the absolute dream.

See it!

Get the Simply Gorgeous™ Bouquet for prices starting at just $65, available from FTD!

This Bright Pink Bouquet

Cherry Blossom™ Bouquet
Cherry Blossom™ Bouquet FTD

This arrangement is for the mom who adores the color pink! It’s also a shorter bouquet that’s ideal if you know that the lady in your life prefers a smaller height.

See it!

Get the Cherry Blossom™ Bouquet for prices starting at just $52, available from FTD!

This Classic Rose Arrangement

Mixed Roses
Mixed Roses FTD

You can’t go wrong with a mixed assortment of roses — especially if this is your mom’s favorite flower.

See it!

Get the Mixed Roses Bouquet (originally starting at $42) on sale for prices starting at just $32, available from FTD!

This Lilac Arrangement

Full of Joy™ Bouquet
Full of Joy™ Bouquet FTD

Lillies are a dramatic addition to any bouquet, and we love how the ones in this arrangement stand out beautifully against the rest of the purple color scheme.

See it!

Get the Full of Joy™ Bouquet for prices starting at just $50, available from FTD!

This Sunny Yellow Bouquet 

Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet & Gift Set
Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet & Gift Set FTD

This bouquet is sure to brighten up any room. Yellow is the happiest color in the rainbow, and this bouquet expertly captures the Mother’s Day spirit!

See it!

Get the Sunny Sentiments™ Bouquet & Gift Set for prices starting at just $65, available from FTD!

This Upbeat Arrangement

Best Day™ Bouquet
Best Day™ Bouquet FTD

There’s just something about sunflowers that brings Us such joy. We love a good bouquet that features the fabulous flower, and the different stems blend perfectly together to make it shine.

See it!

Get the Best Day™ Bouquet for prices starting at just $52, available from FTD!

This Creative Kit

Blossoming Abundance Gardenia Bonsai - 8 inches
Blossoming Abundance Gardenia Bonsai – 8 inches FTD

If you’re looking for a bit of a different floral gift for mom, why not get her this bonsai gardenia plant? It comes with all the pot, rocks and flower. Think of it as a crafty project to pass the time!

See it!

Get the Blossoming Abundance Gardenia Bonsai – 8 inches for $65, available from FTD!

Looking for a different bunch? Check out all of the Mother’s Day bouquets available to order from FTD here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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