The Internet’s Favorite Sheets Are on Sale at Black Friday Prices Right Now



Missed out on Brooklinen’s major Black Friday markdowns last year and thought that you’d never score a set of their amazing sheets on sale? Today is your lucky day! Not only is Brooklinen celebrating their birthday by giving Us 20% off everything on their site, they have extended the sale to run through May 6!

Let’s be real: You’re not going to want to miss out on this incredible deal. With not much time left to take advantage of the discount, we all need to get our shop on ASAP! New to the brand and not sure what to buy? The bestsellers are always a great place to start. Our top pick is their Luxe Hardcore Sheet Bundle set. Not only are they incredibly comfortable, they have 55,000 happy customers sleeping in style!

Luxe Hardcore Sheet Bundle
Luxe Hardcore Sheet Bundle Brooklinen

See it!

Get a Luxe Hardcore Sheet Bundle (originally starting at $219) on sale for prices starting just $175 through May 5, 2020 only!

This sheet bundle includes one fitted sheet, one flat sheet and two pillowcases. Best of all, you can customize which colors you want for each product. The Hardcore bundle also comes with a duvet cover as well as two extra pillowcases. Again, this is your time to mix and match. For example, feel free to pick a striped sheet set and go for a solid duvet cover. Of course, if you prefer to have a fully matching set, snag the same shade for all three! You’re destined to find the perfect combination of colors and patterns to fit the vibe of your home.

These sheets are some of the most popular on the market. They are said to have a buttery-smooth weave that’s unique to Brooklinen, which is why they’ve become such a force in the bedding department over the past couple of years. Each piece in this bundle is made from 100% cotton at a luxe 480 thread count.

Brooklinen Sheets

See it!

Get a Luxe Hardcore Sheet Bundle (originally starting at $219) on sale for prices starting just $175  through May 5, 2020 only!

But the fun doesn’t stop at just bed sheets with Brooklinen! The site also features deals on comforters, blankets, pillows, bath accessories and even loungewear! We’re betting that the brand puts as much thought and care into their other items as they do their trademark products.

Brooklinen wants all shoppers to get the highest quality bedding possible for prices that you won’t find anywhere else. If you’ve been thinking about taking the plunge and treating yourself, do it now! There’s no better time, and we’re sure your dreams will be a bit sweeter with these sheets on deck.

See it: Get a Luxe Hardcore Sheet Bundle (originally starting at $219) on sale for prices starting just $175  through May 5, 2020 only!

Looking for something different? Check out al of the Brooklinen best sellers and shop their full product range online for an extra 20% off here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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