The Answer to Clear, Ageless Skin Like Drew Barrymore’s Is Only $12



Sometimes it’s best to just think of a celebrity’s flawless skin as pure fiction. Strictly unattainable. We don’t have our own personal facialist who travels with us everywhere we go, and we certainly can’t afford those $500 moisturizers all A-listers love — and that’s only one step of the routine!

Note the word “sometimes,” though. Not every single celeb out there is solely sticking to 24K gold sheet masks or regularly scheduled laser treatments and chemical peels. Some just know how to pick out the very best products for less. Take Drew Barrymore, for example. Not only does she create and provide affordable products through FLOWER Beauty, but she uses them from other brands too. She’s a big fan of Talika!

Talika Bio Enzymes Mask - Anti-Age

See it!

Get the Talika Bio Enzymes Mask – Anti-Age for just $12 at Dermstore with free shipping! Also available at Amazon!

This mask is set at the perfect price. Its effectiveness is undeniable, so you really need to use it around once per week — or even just when you have a special occasion coming up. We spend more than that on one small meal! Plus, Barrymore’s clear, ageless, bouncy complexion tells all. We’re more than convinced!

This rejuvenating mask is a top tool for anti-aging. It wraps your skin in an “intensive cocoon of nutrient-rich ingredients” to keep it firm, smooth and plump. It uses a deep-penetrating delivery system, claiming that its complex of hyaluronic acid, hydrolyzed collagen and bamboo stem cell extracts will dive through pores to fill in wrinkles and increase elasticity. There’s also grapefruit oil, which may minimize pores and brighten up the skin. Nothing like a little citrus to brighten things up — whether it’s your food or your complexion!

Talika Bio Enzymes Mask - Anti-Age

See it!

Get the Talika Bio Enzymes Mask – Anti-Age for just $12 at Dermstore with free shipping! Also available at Amazon!

This mask is designed for any skin type, including those prone to sensitivity or blemishes. It also claims to be a great help for those fighting milia — little bumps that form under the skin, typically around the eyelids and cheeks. Ready to use it? Simply take it out of its pouch and remove the protective film on either side. Make sure your fingers are clean! Then place the mask on your face, smoothing it out so it’s sitting flush against the skin. Leave it on for 15 to 30 minutes before taking it off and patting the excess serum into the skin. As with all sheet masks, don’t leave it on longer than that or it could have the reverse effect, sucking the moisture back into the mask!

Here’s a fun bonus too. Take any excess serum still in the pouch and massage it into your neck and décolleté, or into any dry patches on your body. Use it all up to experience its full value — and watch how your skin transforms!

See it!

Get the Talika Bio Enzymes Mask – Anti-Age for just $12 at Dermstore with free shipping! Also available at Amazon!

Looking for something else? Check out more from Talika here and other face masks available at Dermstore here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

This post is brought to you by Us Weekly’s Shop With Us team. The Shop With Us team aims to highlight products and services our readers might find interesting and useful. Product and service selection, however, is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement by either Us Weekly or of any celebrity mentioned in the post.

The Shop With Us team may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. In addition, Us Weekly receives compensation from the manufacturer of the products we write about when you click on a link and then purchase the product featured in an article. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product or service is featured or recommended. Shop With Us operates independently from advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback at Happy shopping!


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