The 17 Best CBD Products Right Now, From Creams to Bath Bombs



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CBD really is the master of multitasking. Whether you’re feeling anxious or blue, dealing with chronic pain or even trying to patch up some chapped lips, CBD may be just the thing to pick you up, soothe your aches and smooth out your skin. Its list of benefits never seems to end!

Luckily, CBD has become much more accessible over the past couple of years, and it comes in so many forms. Today, we want to talk topicals. Whether they come in the form of a cream, a bath bomb or even a lip gloss, there are countless topical CBD products out there that might just change your life. Check out some of our favorites from the very best CBD retailers below — some of which have amazing 4/20 sales happening right now!

Mission Farms CBD

Mission Farms CBD

Our Absolute Favorite: This CBD Joint and Muscle Gel is an icy-hot miracle, starting at $39!

Shop more from Mission Farms CBD here!


Our Absolute Favorite: The Saint Jane Luxury CBD Beauty Serum is a dream for dry skin. It starts at $38!

Shop more CBD products from Sephora here!


Our Absolute Favorite: This CBDol Topical Salve feels amazing. Originally $60, now just $50!

Shop more from CBDistillery here!

Sera Labs


Our Absolute Favorite: The cooling SeraRelief Rapid Soothing Relief Cream has 300mg of CBD hemp extract and costs just $30!

Shop more from Sera Labs here!

Half Day

Our Absolute Favorite: This therapeutic 350mg Full Spectrum salve has a gorgeous orange spice scent. Just $40 per jar!

Shop more from Half Day here!

Diamond CBD

Our Absolute Favorite: Bath salts just got even more soothing thanks to these CBD Therapy salts. Originally $20, now just $13!

Shop more from Diamond CBD here!

CBD Oil Solutions

CBD Oil Solutions

Our Absolute Favorite: The packaging caught our eye, but this populum Cold Therapy Hemp CBD Rub is so much more than that! Just $45!

Shop more from CBD Oil Solutions here!

Violet Grey

Our Absolute Favorite: CBD fragrance? Oh, yes. This Heretic Dirty Grass eau de parfum is so calming. Its luxury is definitely worth $185!

Shop more CBD products from Violet Grey here!


Our Absolute Favorite: Give yourself the gift of relief this year with this handy Freeze roller! It was $48, but now it’s just $35!

Shop more from JustCBD here!



Our Absolute Favorite: Dry, dehydrated skin? This Skin Therapy ultra-rich body butter is the best. Just $38!

Shop more from Prima here!

Hemp Bombs

Our Absolute Favorite: This three-pack of Signature CBD Bath Bombs is our new favorite thing, and it’s only $25!

Shop more from Hemp Bombs here!

Winky Lux

Our Absolute Favorite: This Glazed and Infused CBD Lip Gloss feels so nice and the colors are stunning. Just $27!

Shop more from Winky Lux here!


Our Absolute Favorite: CBD…in a stick! This +PlusCBD Oil Balm‘s gold formula is great for when you’re on the go, and it’s on sale. It was $19, but now it’s just $14!

Shop more from PlusCBD here!



Our Absolute Favorite: Nordstrom is a great CBD destination, especially because of products like this nontoxic Kopari CBD deodorant, which is only $18!

Shop more CBD products from Nordstrom here!

Credo Beauty

Our Absolute Favorite: This Vertly CBD Infused Lip Balm will put your ChapStick to shame. It’s just $22!

Shop more CBD products from Credo Beauty here!

Honest Paws

Our Absolute Favorite: The Relief Pet Balm is great for protecting paws and snouts, and for relieving dry and itchy patches. It starts at just $25!

Shop more from Honest Paws here!

Medical Marijuana, Inc.

Medical Marijuana, Inc.

Our Absolute Favorite: This Dixie Botanicals CBD Sunscreen is SPF50 and it’s currently 20% off, bringing it from $22 down to $18!

Shop more from Medical Marijuana, Inc. here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

This post is brought to you by Us Weekly’s Shop With Us team. The Shop With Us team aims to highlight products and services our readers might find interesting and useful. Product and service selection, however, is in no way intended to constitute an endorsement by either Us Weekly or of any celebrity mentioned in the post.

The Shop With Us team may receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. In addition, Us Weekly receives compensation from the manufacturer of the products we write about when you click on a link and then purchase the product featured in an article. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product or service is featured or recommended. Shop With Us operates independently from advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback at Happy shopping!


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