Taylor Goldsmith Gushes About Growing Love for Mandy Moore Amid Quarantine



Taylor Goldsmith Gushes About Growing Love for Mandy Moore Amid Quarantine
Taylor Goldsmith and Mandy Moore at Communities In Schools Annual Celebration on May 1, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Michael Buckner/Variety/Shutterstock

No social distancing between these two. Taylor Goldsmith raved about his devotion to wife Mandy Moore as she celebrated her birthday in quarantine.

“April 10th. The birthday of the most incredible human being on the planet,” the Dawes frontman, 34, captioned a photo of the couple via Instagram on Friday, April 10. “These weird times have been challenges for all of us, but only she could turn it into an opportunity to get closer, to learn new things, to love each other more. To say I’m grateful would be the understatement of my life.”

He concluded: “Happy birthday @mandymooremm, I promise I’ll change out of sweats someday.”

Taylor Goldsmith Gushes About Growing Love for Mandy Moore Amid Quarantine
Courtesy Taylor Goldsmith/Instagram

Moore, who turned 36 on Friday, hinted at her birthday plans on her Instagram Story. “I can’t wait for our zoom cocktails!!!” she replied to a friend who wished her well.

The This Is Us star received messages from her fictional children too. “Happy birthday to this sweet lady,” Lonnie Chavis, who plays young Randall on the NBC drama, wrote. “My TV mom.”

Hannah Zeile, who portrays teenage Kate, posted: “Happy birthday @mandymooremm! Love you!”

Moore and Goldsmith tied the knot in November 2018. The pair have been entertaining fans with Instagram Live concerts each week during the quarantine. “I’ve never been so nervous in my own home before,” she admitted in March, adding a laughing emoji.

Earlier this month, the actress opened up about their process. “Thanks for spending your Sunday evening with us. It’s fun to test out some old songs, with your encouragement,” she noted on Sunday, April 5. “Sending our love to all of you for the week ahead.”

The musicians prepped for their upcoming session on Thursday, April 9. “We’re just thinking about songs to do this weekend for another little Instagram concert, so if you want, you can join us on Sunday,” she explained on her Instagram Story. “If you have any requests — although we kind of know, I think, what we’re gonna do.”

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