Sharpen Your Skills for Long-Term Success Without Leaving the House



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Ever since you were a kid, your mother told you to be a good listener and play nice with others. Well, as an adult, not much has changed. These character-building traits, also known as soft-skills, are incredibly important — especially in your professional life — as they make you an incredible asset in the workplace.

While almost all employers value hard skills, which consist of teachable abilities like mathematics or reading, they’re just as interested in people with soft-skills like communication, time management and more. In fact, according to a 2019 Global Talent Trends report conducted by LinkedIn, 92% of hiring professionals claim that soft skills are just as important — if not more so — than the more traditional hard skills.

Okay, so soft skills are important, we get it. But how can a person work on their team-building and communication skills when they’re stuck working from home and self-isolating during the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic? While trying to hold a patchy conversation via Zoom with coworkers provides some social interaction, it’s hardly an opportunity to put your team management and conflict resolution skills to the test.

Luckily, there are other ways to identify the most important soft skills and practice them from the comfort of your own home. Say hello to the Ultimate 2020 Soft Skills Career Hacker Bundle. This wide-ranging career program boasts over 100 courses, all focusing on the soft skills that can make you an invaluable asset in both your professional and personal life. And the coolest part? The entire bundle, which is valued at over $6,600, is currently discounted to just $39.99. Too bad bargain-hunting isn’t a soft skill, because you’d definitely nail that.

In the Ultimate 2020 Soft Skills Career Hacker Bundle, you’ll have access to over 150 hours of content, touching on invaluable soft skills like leadership, team management, generation gaps, health and wellness in the workplace, contract management and so much more. But don’t feel overwhelmed — with lifetime access to all the courses, you can touch up on your soft skills whenever you have some time, whether it be an hour before bed or in between meetings.

Whether you’re looking to add some valuable traits to your résumé as you job hunt or are simply trying to become a more well-rounded professional, the Ultimate 2020 Soft Skills Career Hacker Bundle is sure to meet your needs. In fact, just acquiring a handful of these skills can be beneficial, making you a desirable candidate for future positions and increasing your earning potential in the long run. And here are just a few of the soft skills you can expect to master when using the program.

Channel your inner entrepreneur.

Have a great idea for a business venture, but don’t know how to get things off the ground? The included Online Entrepreneur Survival Guide teaches you everything you need to know to “run a business from home and thrive.” From teaching you how to stay diligent and productive on your own to recognizing opportunities to grow your business, this course shows you what it takes to turn a great idea into a full-blown success story.

Boost your emotional intelligence.

Sure, your college GPA gave your parents something to brag about for years, but what have you done to prove your creativity, memory and empathy skills? Your emotional intelligence is just as crucial to your success as your book smarts, since it dictates how well you work with others, manage projects and more. With the Soft Skills bundle’s emotional intelligence course, you’ll learn how to channel deeper traits that can help you become more understanding, worldly and well-rounded, which are invaluable in just about any professional field.

Set attainable goals.

When it comes to working from home (and in the office, unfortunately), the procrastination struggle is real, people. Whether you’re putting off an email or having a hard time staying focused, the course on goal-setting can help set you straight. Through the program’s one-hour video lesson, you’ll become privy to easy techniques and procedures that can help steer you away from distractions (we’re looking at you, Instagram feed) and stay focused on the goal at hand.

Create your personal brand.

Even if you aren’t the CEO of your own business, whatever you do is your business. That’s because the way you present yourself both in your personal life and your professional one creates a reputation, which says a lot about your work ethic, personality and more. With this course on personal branding, you’ll learn how to define yourself and control your image. This can be practiced in many ways – from how you manage your social media accounts to how you handle crises in the workplace.

Developed by the highly-respected Stone River eLearning, the Ultimate 2020 Soft Skills Career Hacker Bundle provides its currently enrolled 500,000+ students with invaluable courses and top-notch instruction, setting them up for long-term professional success.

Ready to master those soft skills and uncover the secret to your own success? Now’s the perfect time, since the Ultimate 2020 Soft Skills Career Hacker Bundle is deeply discounted to just $39.99 – and, of course, since you’re stuck at home until further notice.

Prices subject to change.


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