Scott Disick’s Rehab Facility Responds After Privacy Violation Claim



After Scott Disick‘s short stint in rehab was marred by an alleged violation of privacy, the director of the facility is hoping to make amends.

Us Weekly confirmed on Monday, May 4, that the Flip It Like Disick star, 36, had checked himself into “a medical facility for rehab purposes.” His lawyer, Marty Singer, cited “past traumas” as the reason for Disick’s stay. Hours after DailyMailTV reported that the reality star was seeking treatment and shared a photo of him at the Colorado facility, Disick checked himself out.

“My team and I are aware of the information publicized on May 4, 2020, by the Daily Mail and other media sources regarding All Points North (APN) Lodge, the protection of our clients’ personal and confidential information is of the utmost importance to us,” Noah Nordheimer, President and CEO of All Points Lodge, told Us in a statement one day after Disick left the treatment center.

Scott Disick Rehab Facility Responds After Privacy Violation Claim
Scott Disick Kcr/Shutterstock

Nordheimer added: “It is APN’s strict policy to not publicly disclose patient-specific information, including whether or not a particular client is or was being treated at our facility, or has inquired about our services. If it were determined that any information relating to any client was ever obtained from APN facilities and provided to a media outlet, APN will take all legal action available against that individual, including cooperating with law enforcement and other governmental authorities.”

While the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star’s visit to the lodge was not for drug or alcohol-related issues, the reasoning behind his stay was still deeply personal. Disick lost his parents, Bonnie and Jeffrey Disick, in October 2013 and January 2014, and is still reeling from the emotional toll of their deaths more than five years later.

“In an effort to finally come to terms and deal with the pain that Scott has been silently suffering for many years due to the sudden death of his mother, followed by the death of his father three months later, Scott made the decision to check himself into a rehab facility last week to work on his past traumas,” Singer told E! News on Monday before slamming the treatment facility for their “extreme invasion of privacy.”

Despite the attorney’s intention to press charges, Nordheimer explained that his center is dedicated to making sure their patients feel safe and comfortable — and that he didn’t condone the Daily Mail‘s actions.

“The APN Lodge team is overwhelmingly a group who dedicates their lives to bettering others,” he told Us. “We are sickened by any publication who would report on an individual’s life struggles without their consent.”

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