Scott Disick Worries About His Kids After Kourtney and Kim’s Fight



Feeling protective. Scott Disick was concerned about how Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian‘s relationship would affect his children in the aftermath of their physical fight.

Scott Disick Worries About His Kids After Kourtney and Kim's Fight on 'KUWTK'
Scott Disick, Kourtney Kardashian and Kim Kardashian. Shutterstock (3)

The Talentless founder, 36, joined Kim, 39, and Khloé Kardashian to discuss how the sisters planned to fix their relationship with Kourtney, 40, after a verbal argument turned physical. The incident — which left Kim bleeding from a scratch — aired on an April episode of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

The KKW Beauty founder revealed to Disick and Khloé, 35, that her eldest sister had attempted to make amends.

“She did reach out to me and she said, ‘Can we meet tonight because I have a fitting tomorrow?’” Kim explained. The trio speculated that the Poosh founder felt pressured to apologize because of her upcoming trip to Armenia with Kim and their kids.

“I’m trying to understand about Armenia because obviously it has to do with my children,” Disick said. “What do you think? Are you just gonna sit down one day prior and then get on a plane across the world?”

The Flip It Like Disick star shares son Mason, 10, daughter Penelope, 7, and son Reign, 5, with Kourtney. The pair dated on and off for nine years before their split in 2015.

Later, Kim’s friend Shelli Azoff joined the conversation via a phone call and admitted that hearing the news of Kim and Kourtney’s fight was shocking.

“I can’t believe you guys actually got into a fist fight,” Azoff said.  “Kendall [Jenner] showed me the pictures of the scratches and I went, ‘Oh my God.’”

Days before the episode aired, Kim shared that her mom, Kris Jenner, cried after learning her daughters were in a physical fight.

“It was pretty intense,” Kim explained on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in March. “I feel like it’s been a lot of built-up resentment from Kourtney, or just feeling like she doesn’t really want to film anymore. She’s not the type of person to make a decision and say, ‘OK, guys, I’m not gonna film,’ but she would come to work with an attitude every day and kind of take it out on everyone, from crew to us, and wouldn’t really make that decision. We would kind of, like, just keep on pushing her and try to figure out why she was so unhappy.”

Kourtney revealed later in the season that she planned to take a step back from the show. While Kourtney made a decision that she said was best for her well-being, Disick attempted to prioritize his own mental health one month later.

Disick checked into the All Points North Lodge rehabilitation center in Colorado to deal with “past traumas,” including losing his parents within six months of each other five years ago. However, the TV personality checked out on Monday, May 4, after a photo of him at the facility leaked online.

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