Royal Video Chats! Games! How Prince Louis Is Celebrating His 2nd Birthday



How Prince Louis Is Celebrating His 2nd Birthday
Prince William, Catherine Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Louis, Prince George and Princess Charlotte Tim Rooke/Shutterstock

Once in a lifetime! Prince William and Duchess Kate will not let Prince Louis’ 2nd birthday pass by without a fitting soiree on Thursday, April 23. His siblings, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, as well as other members of the royal family are even pitching in to make sure he feels the love.

“Kate and William will celebrate Louis’ birthday at Anmer Hall,” a source tells Us Weekly exclusively. “They wanted to throw him a party and invite Carole and Michael [Middleton] too, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they’re having to keep it small. Just William, Kate and their three children will be there.”

However, the royal family will participate in the festivities … from afar. “Louis will still get to see his grandparents, who he adores — including [Prince] Charles and [Duchess] Camilla via video call, as well as the queen, in the morning,” the insider reveals.

Amid quarantine, the Cambridge family has a sweet set of plans in place for their youngest member. “George and Charlotte have made their own cute birthday cards for Louis, and the family will give him their gifts when he wakes up,” the source says. “Of course, they’ve got him a cake. Louis’ favorite song is ‘Happy Birthday.’ He sang it to the queen [on her birthday] on the video call, and he can’t wait to sing along to it … on his special day and blow out the candles!”

As for the remainder of the day, Louis’ parents will retreat from the indoors to have a little fun with their kids. “William and Kate are planning to spend most of the day in the garden playing outdoor sports and games as a family — football, chase and hide-and-seek!” the insider notes.

Us confirmed earlier this month that William, 37, and Kate, 38, called off their son’s birthday party due to the pandemic.

The couple previously opened up about how much information they have shared with George, 6, Charlotte, 4, and Louis about the health crisis. “George is much older than Louis is, but they are aware,” Kate told the BBC on April 16. “I think I’m always surprised. Although you don’t want to scare them and make it too overwhelming, I think it is appropriate to acknowledge it in simple ways and age-appropriate ways.”

Us exclusively revealed earlier this month that Kate has been entertaining the children with baking and gardening during self-isolation.

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