Robert Pattinson is on the cover of GQ magazine’s June/July issue, and he’s going viral over how he’s living during quarantine.
The profile kicks off and Robert soon reveals, “Yesterday I was just googling, I was going on YouTube to see how to microwave pasta. Put it in a bowl and microwave it. That is how to microwave pasta. And also it really, really isn’t a thing. It’s really actually quite revolting. But I mean, who would have thought that it actually makes it taste disgusting?”
He continued, “I’m essentially on a meal plan for Batman. Thank God. I don’t know what I’d be doing other than that. But I mean, yeah, other than—I can survive. I’ll have oatmeal with, like, vanilla protein powder on it. And I will barely even mix it up. It’s extraordinarily easy. Like, I eat out of cans and stuff. I’ll literally put Tabasco inside a tuna can and just eat it out of the can…I… It is weird, but my preferences are…just sort of eat like a wild animal. [laughs] Like, out of a trash can.”
Robert also revealed he has an idea for a new pasta venture, to make pasta accessible like fast food: he’s calling it Piccolini Cuscino, which means “little pillow” in Italian.
The meal is perfectly described by GQ, and what we’ve gathered is: you microwave pasta, and then combine cornflakes, sugar, cheese on foil. He then took a lighter and burned the product initials, “P.C,” into a bun’s top. He then combined all of these ingredients (and in the profile, he actually put the foil in the microwave which is a big no-no!)
Robert pitched this idea to Los Angeles restaurant royalty Lele Massimini, the cofounder of Sugarfish. “And I told him my business plan and his facial expression didn’t even change afterwards. Let alone acknowledge what my plan was. There was absolutely no sign of anything from him, literally. And so it kind of put me off a little bit.” Lele responded to the story, saying, “It’s 100 percent true, everything he told you.”
Head to GQ to check out Robert‘s entire profile.
Robert‘s next project is Batman and we have a look at his batsuit!
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