Richard Webber’s Fate Revealed on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Season Finale



Too little too late? Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr.) received a shocking diagnosis from Andrew DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti) that had him on the brink of death during the Thursday, April 9, season finale of Grey’s Anatomy.

After his behavior appeared to point to Alzheimer’s, DeLuca and Meredith Grey’s (Ellen Pompeo) tireless work revealed the truth, which might have saved his life. Find out what you might have missed this week below.

Ellen Pompeo Grey's Anatomy Finale
Ellen Pompeo on the Grey’s Anatomy Finale. ABC

The entire hospital was working on Webber’s case. There came a point when many doctors began to give up, thinking it was Alzheimer’s, and they were going to send him home. However, Grey noticed new symptoms that nearly led to her and Miranda (Chandra Wilson) to cutting him open to keep looking.

That was, until DeLuca stormed into the operating room, claiming he knew the answer: Webber had cobalt poisoning from a hip replacement. When they ran a test, it turned out his theory was right.

The team assembled to perform emergency surgery, which pulled Link (Chris Carmack) out of being by Amelia’s (Caterina Scorsone) side while she was in labor. After some convincing, Grey even got Bailey to allow DeLuca to scrub in.

Chris Carmack Grey's Anatomy Finale
Chris Carmack on the ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ finale. ABC

“It’s a career-defining moment. He deserves to be there,” she said.

The surgery went smoothly, even though Link missed the birth of his child. DeLuca’s discovery could be a “game-changer,” according to Link.

Webber woke up and appeared to be normal. Even though Catherine Fox (Debbie Allen) had been by his side the entire way, he couldn’t forgive her. “Did you stand by me when I was being fired and bought my hospital to humiliate me or is that my mind playing tricks on me too?” Webber shouted at her.

The entire ordeal took a toll on DeLuca, who was crying on the floor of a hospital in a panic when it was all over. Even though Webber’s fate was uncertain, DeLuca’s unrest seemed to be something in his own head.

Giacomo Gianniotti Grey's Anatomy Finale
Giacomo Gianniotti on the Grey’s Anatomy Finale. ABC

“I don’t know what’s going on,” he told Grey through tears. She then took him home and tried to calm him down.

Aside from Webber’s major surgery, Teddy (Kim Raver) totally exposed her affair with Tom Koracick (Greg Germann) when she accidentally butt-dialed Owen (Kevin McKidd) and left him a voicemail of the two having sex. The worst part? It was Owen and Teddy’s wedding day.

“I can’t leave with you. I’m marrying Owen,” Teddy said to Tom on the voicemail. “This was goodbye.”

Owen, however, called off the wedding without even telling Teddy, signaling the beginning of the end for their relationship.

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