RHOC’s Tamra and Vicki Detail Their Last Conversation With Shannon



Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson Detail Their Last Conversation With Shannon Beador
Tamra Judge, Vicki Gunvalson, and Shannon Beador Shutterstock (2)

The Tres Amigas may be down a member, but Tamra Judge and Vicki Gunvalson can still throw plenty of shade as a duo. The former Real Housewives of Orange County stars took to Instagram Live to shed some light on their friendship with Shannon Beador.

“Love Shannon. Don’t know what happened. We were great friends. Vicki and I announced we were not coming back and she stopped communicating with us. End of story,” Tamra, 52, said on Tuesday, May 5. “There’s nothing more to be told. There was no falling out.”

Vicki, 58, added that her most-recent chat with Shannon, 56, was “a good conversation.”

“I asked her not to [cut off communication]. No harsh words. I asked her not to do that,” she said. “I just said don’t forget about me, hope you’re doing well, yada yada yada…”

Bravo confirmed in January that Vicki, the OG of the OC, and Tamra, who joined during season 3, would not be returning for season 15. Shannon, who started carrying an orange in 2014, joins Kelly Dodd, Gina Kirschenheiter, Emily Simpson and Braunwyn Windham-Burke for the upcoming season.

“I’m going to live vicariously being a Housewife forever,” Vicki said on Tuesday, noting that her biggest regret from her 14 seasons on the series is getting “fired.”

The Coto Insurance CEO added: “I don’t want to not be a Housewife anymore.”

Tamra quipped back, “You know what? Successful people move forward. They don’t dwell on the past.”

Shannon, for her part, confirmed she was on the outs with Tamra and Vicki in April, telling a fan via Instagram that she didn’t know “what [was] happening” with the women.

“It is what it is!” she noted at the time.

While the women opted to stop talking about Shannon after the comments section took a negative turn on Tuesday, that didn’t stop Vicki from sharing her thoughts on other Housewives as Tamra asked for her honest opinions on Bravo stars.

“Big eyes,” Vicki said about RHONY’s Ramona Singer. “She thinks she founded the Housewives and she didn’t. I did.”

When asked about RHOBH’s Kyle Richards, Vicki quipped, “Kind of vanilla. I don’t see any conflict, like I just see her, like, playing the safe lane always.”

They concluded with former costar Kelly.

“Completely unpredictable,” Vicki declared. “She can be the kindest, best friend in the whole wide world and the next thing you know she slashes your throat.”

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