Protect Your Eyes From Extended Screen Time With These Blue Light Glasses



As if we weren’t staring at screens enough already, with many of Us now socially distancing at home, that screen time has definitely gone up. We’re using our phones and computers to communicate and are streaming more content than ever before. Movies, TV binges and workouts are the way we entertain ourselves at home, and that can become seriously straining on the eyes.

Blue light glasses have never been more necessary. These glasses may protect your eyes from excess exposure to light that’s emitted from screens. If you’ve been thinking of picking up a pair, we have our eye on this one that we found on Amazon!

TIJN Blue Light Blocking Glasses (Seagreen)
TIJN Blue Light Blocking Glasses (Seagreen) Amazon

See it!

Get the TIJN Blue Light Blocking Glasses (originally $20) with free shipping for prices starting at just $18, available on Amazon! Get them as soon as May 4, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, April 22, 2020, but are subject to change.

These adorable glasses have a cute vintage style with a round frame. This style is extremely popular right now when it comes to regular glasses, so we’re excited that we can get a pair without a prescription!

At one point or another when you were growing up, you may or may not have wanted to wear a pair of glasses. Wearing glasses was definitely a cool look, which is why fake glasses became a popular accessory. But these glasses actually serve a purpose, which is fantastic!

TIJN Blue Light Blocking Glasses (Marble)
TIJN Blue Light Blocking Glasses (Marble) Amazon

See it!

Get the TIJN Blue Light Blocking Glasses (originally $20) with free shipping for prices starting at just $18, available on Amazon! Get them as soon as May 4, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, April 22, 2020, but are subject to change.

These glasses come in a ton of different frame colors. You can get a pair that is tortoise shell or a marble style, or a colorful clear pair. You can also get them in a basic black or white color, and there’s a two-pack option if you want to keep a couple of different colors on rotation. These blue light glasses can look great with nearly any outfit — especially loungewear, which is what we’ve been living in lately!

They’re definitely a useful accessory to have lying around your home when you feel like you’ve been watching a lot of Netflix. We definitely encourage binging to your heart’s desire right now, but it couldn’t hurt to protect your eyes while doing so!

See it: Get the TIJN Blue Light Blocking Glasses (originally $20) with free shipping for prices starting at just $18, available on Amazon! Get them as soon as May 4, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, April 22, 2020, but are subject to change.

Not what you’re looking for? Check out more styles from TIJN and shop all of the clothing, shoes and jewelry available on Amazon here! Don’t forget to check out all of Amazon’s Daily Deals here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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