Prince Philip Issues Rare Statement on COVID, Harry Stresses ‘Selflessness’



Even thousands of miles away, Prince Philip and Prince Harry have one common goal in mind: to stress the importance of following guidelines amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The Duke of Edinburgh, 98, said in a rare statement issued on Monday, April 20, “As we approach World Immunization Week, I want to recognize the vital and agent work being done by so many to tackle the pandemic; by those in the medical and scientific professions, at universities and research institutions, all united in working to protect us from COVID-19.”

He continued, “On behalf of those of us who remain safe and at home, I also wanted to thank all key workers who ensure the infrastructure of our life continues; the staff and volunteers working in food production and distribution, those keeping postal and delivery services going, and those ensuring the rubbish continues to be collected.”

Prince Philip Issues Rare Statement on Coronavirus
Prince Philip at the Royal Windsor Cup Polo match on June 24, 2018. Shutterstock

Philip’s statement came hours after Harry, 35, appeared on the “Declassified” podcast and praised Team Rubicon’s Op RE:ACT initiative, which has deployed nearly 200 veterans across the U.K. to supply food and other essentials to people in need.

“I’m honored to be a veteran and honored to be part of this community,” the former military pilot said on the Sunday, April 19, episode. “I’m just so incredibly proud to see what these individuals up and down the country and across the world are doing on a day-to-day basis. What has happened, especially in the U.K., shows the very best of human spirit.”

Harry went on to praise the members of the military community as “some of the best role models out there,” adding, “It’s about selflessness rather than selfishness, and I think in today’s culture, in today’s world, we need more role models that are willing to put others ahead of themselves. I think that being part of a unit, being part of a team, and for me, wearing a uniform that was the same as everybody else’s, it kind of makes you feel totally equal, but at the same time makes you want do everything you can for the person on your left and your right.”

Prince Philip Issues Rare Statement on Coronavirus as Prince Harry Stresses Importance of Selflessness
Prince Harry at Intercontinental Hotel UK-Africa Investment Summit in London on January 20, 2020. Shutterstock

Philip’s son and Harry’s father, Prince Charles, announced on March 25 that he had tested positive for the novel coronavirus after “displaying mild symptoms.” His wife, Duchess Camilla, tested negative. Charles, who continued to work from home while battling the disease, completed his self-isolation period on March 30.

“As we are all learning, this is a strange, frustrating and often distressing experience, when the presence of family and friends is no longer possible and the normal structures of life are suddenly removed,” the Prince of Wales, 71, said in a video message via Instagram on April 1. “At such an unprecedented and anxious time in all our lives, my wife and I are thinking particularly of all those who have lost their loved ones in such very difficult and abnormal circumstances, and of those having to endure sickness, isolation and loneliness.”

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, Us Weekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance, and support, consult the CDCWHO, and information from local public health officials. If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.


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