Prince Harry’s 1st Major Post-Royals Project Revealed



Making moves! Prince Harry’s first major project following his departure from royal life will allow him to support an initiative he is passionate about.

Harry, 36, launched a new online platform dubbed HeadFIT on Monday, April 27. The initiative will provide access to mental health services for U.K. military personnel 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The former Duke of Sussex served with the British Army for 10 years, during which he took two tours of Afghanistan. Since concluding his service, Harry has given back to the British Army in an abundance of ways, including making it one of his many patronages before leaving royal life behind.

On April 19, Harry appeared on the “Declassified” podcast — which is dedicated to telling military stories — to talk about his connection to the British Army. He also pointed out his admiration for those who get involved in this line of work.

Prince Harry Announces His 1st Post-Royals Royals Project
Prince Harry Shutterstock

“I’ve said in the past, before I became a parent myself, but for those mums and dads out there who sometimes struggle to see who the appropriate role models are for their kids I always say that the military community especially the WIS [wounded, injured and sick] community are, to me some of the best role models out there,” he explained. “I think in today’s culture we need more role models that are willing to put others ahead of themselves.”

Harry continued, “I think that being part of a unit, being part of a team, [and] for me wearing a uniform that was the same as everybody else’s, it kind of makes you feel totally equal but at the same time makes you want do everything you can for the person on your left and your right.”

Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, announced their decision to “step back” from their senior positions within the royal family on January 8. The couple said they would work to become financially independent while splitting their time between North America and the U.K.

The pair, who wed in May 2018 and welcomed 11-month-old son Archie the following year, ended their run as royals on March 31. The family of three now reside in the 38-year-old Suits alum’s native Los Angeles.

Earlier this month, Meghan participated in her first major post-royals project by lending her voice to the narration of Disneynature’s Elephants. The feature, which premiered on Disney+ on April 3 ahead of Earth Day, follows a family of African elephants as they embark upon a journey that their ancestors took before them.

A source told Us Weekly on April 22 that Harry and Meghan still aim “to change lives for the better” after their royal exit, adding, “Harry and Meghan’s No. 1 priority right now is helping those affected by the virus, especially the vulnerable.”

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