Prince Harry Introduces Special Anniversary Episode of ‘Thomas and Friends’ 



Prince Harry’s royal duties concluded last month, but he is returning to his British roots for a special episode of Thomas & Friends.

The former Duke of Sussex, 35, will appear in the introduction of an upcoming episode for the British children’s television series, titled “The Royal Engine,” in honor of its 75th anniversary. His portion of the program was recorded in January before his departure from the U.K. and months ahead of the worldwide coronavirus quarantine period.

Harry’s grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, and a young version of his father, Prince Charles, will be featured as animated characters.

Prince Harry Introduces Special Anniversary Episode Thomas and Friends
Prince Harry. YouTube

Thomas the Tank Engine has been a comforting, familiar face to so many families over the last 75 years — entertaining, educating and inspiring children on important issues through exciting stories and characters,” the British Army vet said in a statement. “I certainly have fond memories of growing up with Thomas & Friends and being transported to new places through his adventures.”

Harry continued, “I am very proud to have been asked to take part in this special episode. I wish Thomas & Friends a very happy anniversary.”

The special recording will debut in the U.S. via Netflix on Friday, May 1, and in the U.K. Channel 5 Milkshake! the next day.

In January, Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, announced their departure from all royal duties. The couple, who wed in May 2018, noted that their decision came “after many months of reflection and internal discussions.” The pair would become financially independent while splitting their time between North America and Harry’s native U.K.

Harry and Meghan, 38, currently reside in Los Angeles with their 11-month-old son, Archie. The duo “were really excited to move to L.A.,” an insider told Us earlier this month. “The timing is tricky of course, but this is something they’ve been hoping for and seriously planning for several months now.”

Prince Harry Introduces Special Anniversary Episode Thomas and Friends
Prince Harry. YouTube

Harry’s announced appearance on Thomas & Friends comes just one day after his first major post-royals project was revealed. On Monday, April 27, he launched a new online platform, HeadFIT, that aims to provide mental health services to U.K. military personnel.

The Suits alum, for her part, lent her voice to the narration of Disneynature’s Elephants on April 3 ahead of Earth Day as her first endeavor after her royal step down.

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