Pregnant Nikki and Brie Bella Give Bump Update: ‘Our Babies Grew So Much’



In sync! Twins Nikki Bella and Brie Bella‘s baby bumps had major growth spurts overnight.

“Both of our babies grew so much last night! Can’t believe @thebriebella is 27 weeks and I am almost 26 weeks,” Nikki, 36, captioned a selfie of herself and Brie, also 36, cradling their stomachs via Instagram on Tuesday, April 28.

The Total Bellas stars announced in January that they are both pregnant and due less than two weeks apart. Brie is expecting her second child with her husband, Bryan Danielson. The couple are also the parents of their 2-year-old daughter, Birdie Jo. Nikki, for her part, is expecting her first child with her fiancé, Artem Chigvintsev.

Pregnant Nikki and Brie Bella Give Bump Update Instagram
Nikki and Brie Bella Courtesy of Nikki Bella/Instagram

“I can’t even begin to describe to all of you how happy I am!” Nikki wrote via Instagram at the time. “I’M GOING TO BE A MOM!! It’s something I have wanted to be my whole life. I was definitely shocked when I found out. And so nervous! I wasn’t expecting it and felt I wasn’t ready but this journey of life is unpredictable. I thank God every day and night for bringing this amazing blessing and miracle into my life.”

The sisters’ pregnancy journeys has been surprisingly similar. Brie told Us Weekly on the April 3 episode of the “Watch With Us” podcast that she and her sister are experiencing “the exact same symptoms” in their pregnancies.

“We were so nauseous our first trimester and I was never sick with [my daughter], Birdie ever. [Nikki and I had] morning sickness all day long. We felt like we had car sickness,” she explained.

Pregnant Nikki and Brie Bella Give Bump Update
Brie Bella and Nikki Bella attend ‘Boss Babes and CEOs’, Magic Convention, at Mandalay Bay Convention Center on February 7, 2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada. KCR/Shutterstock

Nikki added that her pregnancy has been a rollercoaster of emotions.“I guess I just didn’t how all these changes would feel,” the E! personality said at the time. “I don’t just mean outer, but inner. There are days I get and exhausted and my ’s going through so much. … It’s just in this shock. It’s just tough.”

The sisters have been using each other as a support system while self-isolating together amid the coronavirus quarantine.

“I’m lucky because we are next-door neighbors,” Brie said in an interview on The Talk in March. “We literally have zero property line, so having each other’s company and support and staying positive helps, but it’s a time when everything is so uncertain.”

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