Pregnant Ciara FaceTimes Russell Wilson for Ultrasound Due to Coronavirus



Sign of the times. Ciara revealed the struggles pregnant women are facing amid the coronavirus pandemic — including being unable to share her ultrasound appointment with her husband, Russell Wilson.

Pregnant Ciara Facetimes Russell Wilson For Ultrasound Due to Coronavirus
Russell Wilson and Ciara Joy Asico/AP/Shutterstock

The “Thinkin Bout You” singer, 34, posted a video via Instagram on Wednesday, April 15, of her doctor’s appointment. “Look how perfect this picture is. Isn’t that cute?” a person on the medical staff said. Ciara, who is wearing a mask and gloves, responded, “Oh my God, that’s so cute.”

Then, the Grammy winner showed that Wilson, 31, was not in the room with his wife but, instead, on a FaceTime call.

“The life of a pregnant woman in Covid-19 Era is very interesting …” Ciara captioned the post. “Russ had to FaceTime me from the car for our Ultrasound ❤️ We don’t hear to much about US during this time,” adding that she and her doctor planned to chat about the challenges on Instagram Live.

Ciara announced that she and the football quarterback are expecting their second child together in January.

“Number 3,” the singer captioned a photo via Instagram of herself showing off her baby bump while standing on rocks.

The duo shared that they are expecting a baby boy in a gender reveal video on Tuesday, April 14.

“Gender Reveal!! What’s it going to be?” she captioned a video via Instagram of a cannon shooting blue powder into the air.

The Texas native and Wilson — who wed in July 2016 — are also the parents of daughter Sienna, 2. Ciara shares her eldest child, 5-year-old Future Zahir, with her ex-fiancé, Future.

The “Body Party” singer opened up about how being a mom has enriched her life in an interview with PureWow in November 2019.

“Motherhood has just shown me there’s really nothing we can’t do as women. I feel really empowered having my kids in my life. By far, my greatest accomplishment is having them. … I can’t even imagine my life without them. Life without them was not as good as it is with them,” Ciara said at the time.

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, UsWeekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance, and support, consult the CDCWHO, and information from local public health officials. If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.

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