Outer Banks’ Rudy Pankow Can See JJ and Kiara Being Together in the End



Warning: This story contains spoilers from season 1 of Outer Banks.

It’s safe to assume that Rudy Pankow’s JJ went through a lot in season 1. However, one thing he didn’t experience was romance — something the fans are hoping is being saved for a potential second season. However, the actor didn’t really mind it.

“I’m not complaining. I think JJ is not really looking for a lady friend. But season 2, that could be a different story. I liked it in season 1 where JJ just didn’t have really any drive or motivation to be in a relationship,” the Alaska native, 22, told Us Weekly exclusively in a new interview. “I actually enjoyed being somebody that … a love interest wasn’t necessary for JJ. I really liked that.”

That said, he could see a romance coming if the show gets another season — but who would it be?

Outer Banks Rudy Pankow on Why JJ and Kiara Shouldnt Get Together Just Yet
Kiara and JJ on Outer Banks Curtis Baker/Netflix

“I can see season 2 JJ maybe trying out a new dynamic and kind of hiding it from the Pogues being like, ‘I kind of have feelings for this person, but I’m not going to tell anybody,’” the Politician alum added.

However, many fans have been hoping that he actually breaks the no Pogue-on-Pogue rule and begins dating Kiara (Madison Bailey), his best friend in the show. Pankow noted that he’s discussed the fans’ messages with Bailey and they agreed that if it’s written, it’ll be great.

“I think it’s cute. I don’t think it should happen immediately in season 2,” Pankow said. “And I know some people would be a little mad at me for saying that, but I think just to have Kiara go from John B to Pope to then JJ within two seasons would be a little, like, she wants all three of them. So I think it’d be a little much.”

Outer Banks Rudy Pankow on Why JJ and Kiara Shouldnt Get Together Just Yet 2
Outer Banks’ Rudy Pankow

That said, if the show goes on for multiple seasons, JJ and Kiara could definitely have a future — if it were up to him.

“But I think the end game, the end game of the OBX, I can see JJ and Kiara being like, ‘All right there’s something here,’” he shared with Us. “Because it starts out with JJ saying that he had tried getting with Kiara. So, who knows?”

Outer Banks is now streaming on Netflix.

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