Nick Cordero Is ‘Recovering Well’ After Leg Amputation Due to Coronavirus



A glimmer of hope. Nick Cordero is “recovering well” after his leg was amputated on Saturday, April 18, following coronavirus complications.

“An uneventful day in the ICU is a GOOD DAY!! HALLELUJAH!” Cordero’s wife, Amanda Kloots, wrote via her Instagram Stories on Sunday, April 19.

The fitness instructor, 38, gave fans an update on her husband’s health journey, after the Broadway star, 41, underwent surgery to amputate his right leg in order to fix blood flow issues.

“It seems like Nicks body is responding well to his surgery and recovering well,” she wrote at the time. “I asked for a miracle yesterday because my spirits were low and I think we got one today. He is alive and recovering well.”

On Monday, April 20, the dancer spoke openly with her followers and shared a story about the Rock of Ages star.

She recalled Cordero telling her early on in their relationship that “it’s very important to just sit with your thoughts” and have self-reflection time.

Amanda Kloots Nick Cordero update
Courtesy of Amanda Kloots/Instagram

Kloots dubbed this meditative place “Fantasy Land,” which Cordero always said was “very important.”

“I think that Nick is in Fantasy Land right now,” the former Radio City Rockette said of her husband, who remains unconscious in the hospital. “He’s enjoying something, he’s learning something. When he’s ready to wake up, when he’s ready to make his grand appearance, he will. I think he’s doing it on ‘Nick’s Time.’”

She added that her love had received another “great report” from the doctor and that his “medications are getting less and machines are going off.”

“I feel a little bit more at peace,” Kloots said before reminding her followers to join her at 3 p.m. for her and their 10-month-old son Elvis’ daily sing-alongs to encourage the star to wake up.

A GoFundMe fundraiser for Cordero has reached more than $380,000 in donations.

“I really thank you so much,” Kloots said via her Instagram Story on Saturday, April 18. “We have a new home that we’re renovating right now so there are going to be some changes that need to be made and that will really help us. There’s medical bills and, you know, we’re gonna get Nick the best rehab that we possibly can now for his leg. It’s all because of you guys.”

The Bullets Over Broadway star was admitted on March 31 to the intensive care unit at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he was put on a ventilator. He has been unconscious since his admittance to the hospital, which came when he was misdiagnosed with pneumonia.

The Canadian performer was diagnosed with COVID-19 on April 1, according to his wife. His leg was amputated after blood thinners to treat a clot in his leg didn’t work.

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, Us Weekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance and support, consult the CDCWHO and information from local public health officials. If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.

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