New Jersey Governor Thanks RHONJ’s Jennifer Aydin for COVID-19 Donation



Paying it forward! Jennifer Aydin received a big thank you from Governor Phil Murphy after donating to COVID-19 relief efforts.

“Jennifer has donated roughly 3,000 N95 masks and has been busy trying to source PPE for the front-line and nursing home staff at @NewBridgeMedCtr. #NJThanksYou!” Murphy, 62, wrote via Twitter on Wednesday, May 6.

The New Jersey governor noted that the Real Housewives of New Jersey star, 43, gave back to the community after both she and her daughter Gabby recovered from the coronavirus.

New Jersey Governor Thanks RHONJ Jennifer Aydin COVID-19 Donation
Jennifer Aydin. Shutterstock

One day prior, the mother of five told her Twitter followers that she was donating 2000 masks to Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City as well. The same day, Aydin revealed that she was going to donate her blood after her COVID-19 antibodies screening test came back positive.

“Let’s see what happens…” she wrote via Twitter on Tuesday, May 5, tagging Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey as her facility for blood donation.

Last month, the reality TV star celebrated a clean bill of health on her birthday, on April 16, after more than two weeks of being sick with the virus.

“I celebrate this birthday with just thanking God for my health, friends and family,” she wrote via Instagram at the time alongside a throwback photo. “And if all else fails, we can pretend that this year doesn’t count! #stayyoung PS — I feel great! Amazing! No symptoms since Sunday and I feel better than ever! #oneyearolder #thisyeardoesntcount! #itsmybirthday.”

Throughout her health journey, the Bravo personality detailed her symptoms and kept her followers up to date with her struggle.

“Today is the first day that I’m finally starting to feel better,” Aydin told her followers in a video via Instagram on April 8, announcing that she tested positive for the illness. “Keeping my kids away has been the hardest and I’m grateful that I have no breathing issues. My days haven’t been so bad, aside from a lot of fatigue and sleeping.”

New Jersey Governor Thanks RHONJ Jennifer Aydin COVID-19 Donation
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy. Michael Brochstein/Shutterstock

After 10 days of being sick, the New Jersey Housewife got her results back and felt good enough to let her fans know what it had been like for her.

“At night is when it’s the worst for me because of the mix of sweating and chills,” she explained in the video update. “I’m taking my vitamins and drinking hot liquids. We’ll all get through this. #staypositive #stayinside #covid19.”

Given the constantly evolving nature of COVID-19, Us Weekly wants our readers to have access to the most accurate resources. For the most up-to-date coronavirus information, guidance and support, consult the CDCWHO and information from local public health officials. If you’re experiencing coronavirus symptoms, call your primary care provider for medical advice.

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