Need a Quick Makeup Fix? This Multi-Stick Will Get You Glowing ASAP



We all lose track of time. Back when many of Us were commuting to work, we may have messed with our morning routines by hitting the snooze button incessantly or spending a couple of extra minutes in bed. Honestly, the same can be true now — even while working from home!

But let’s be real — it’s nice not having to dress in office-appropriate attire every single day. In fact, we’ve been been spending most of our mornings (plus afternoons and evenings…) in our sweats, and it’s going to be hard to go back! Of course, there are still events on the calendar to look put-together for — specifically Zoom meetings with colleagues! For a quick and easy way to give yourself a nice rosy glow, the Ilia Multi-Stick is definitely the way to go.

Ilia Beauty Multi-Stick (At Last)
Ilia Beauty Multi-Stick (At Last) Ilia Beauty

See it!

Get the Multi-Stick in At Last for just $34 from Ilia Beauty!

Not only can you use this product on your cheeks for a quick flush of color, it can also be applied to the lips as a tint. It won’t be as dramatic as lipstick, but it will still make a bold statement! The formula of this cream product is designed to instantly melt into the skin upon contact, making it incredibly blendable and natural looking.

Playing favorites isn’t always fair, but the shade that we’re most obsessed with is called “At Last.” Why, you ask? Because it’s truly a universally flattering option. While every color of Ilia’s Multi-Sticks available works with all skin tones, we think that this dusty rose hue is a dream! On fairer skin tones, it appears darker — and it will show up brighter and add a nice pop of color if you have a darker complexion. The shade has cool undertones in its pigment, which is what we think makes it so adaptable. We’re also loving the hint of shimmer in the formula, which can truly make you look like you’re glowing from within. Think of it as an IRL Instagram filter!

Ilia Beauty Multi-Stick (At Last)
Ilia Beauty Multi-Stick (At Last) Ilia Beauty

See it!

Get the Multi-Stick in At Last for just $34 from Ilia Beauty!

You can easily apply the Multi-Stick using just your fingers, or opt for a densely-packed brush to blend it into the skin. It doesn’t matter which way you go — it’s just about your preferred method of makeup application! You can also use a brush to swipe the color over your lips, or simply put it directly onto your pout like you would a lip balm! The formula contains organic shea butter as well as avocado oil, so this is an ultra-moisturizing item that will help hydrate the lips too. Talk about a package deal product!

See it: Get the Multi-Stick in At Last for just $34 from Ilia Beauty!

Not what you’re looking for? Check out more multi-use products and all of the makeup available from Ilia Beauty here!

Check out more of our picks and deals here!

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