MVP Couple! Inside Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s 11-Year Marriage



Unlike many celebrity couples, who have notoriously called it quits after a short period together, Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen have stood the test of time. The key to their marriage of over a decade? “Clear, current communication,” a source reveals exclusively in the new issue of Us Weekly.

“They lay out exactly what they’re feeling and communicate with one another about it in the current moment,” continues the source. “They’ve gotten even closer over the years by being open and honest with one another and by committing to each other and prioritizing their family.”

But no marriage is without its flaws: Another insider says the football player, 42, and supermodel, 39, — who tied the knot in February 2009 — experience occasional relationship troubles like everyone else, adding that “things can get tough because they’re both tightly wound, highly intense and passionate people.”

Regardless, the insider says “the highs of their marriage outweigh the lows.”

Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen secret to happy marriage
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen Michael Buckner/Variety/Shutterstock

The ways in which they’re different have also made their union stronger. “Gisele’s very creative and in touch with her spiritual side and Tom’s rooted,” adds the first source. “These characteristics are complementary: She stretches him in ways he couldn’t have anticipated, and Tom’s reliable, so Gisele can always count on him to be a loving husband and father.”

When it comes to their children — Benjamin, 10, and Vivian, 7 — the Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback and Brazilian beauty are perfectly in sync. (Brady is also dad to Jack, 12, whom he shares with ex Bridget Moynahan.)

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Tenho pesquisado como posso ajudar nesse momento tão delicado que estamos vivendo. Mais do que nunca, precisamos ter solidariedade e empatia. No Brasil estou criando o Fundo Luz Alliance, em parceria com a @brazilfound, para ajudar crianças, idosos e famílias mais vulneráveis, através da doação de alimentos e kits de higiene. Compartilho aqui a lista das organizações que estão sendo apoiadas, neste primeiro momento, caso alguém queira ajudar: @Wimbelemdon , @timefomedeaprender , @redeBancodeAlimentosrs , @cufabrasil – Mães da favela, @mulheremconstrucao_oficial , e a @ahmipoa Associação dos Amigos do Hospital Maternidade Infantil Presidente Vargas, além de ter apoiado o Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre @santacasapoa. Já nos Estados Unidos, doamos para os bancos de alimentos em Tampa @feedingtampabay e em Boston @gr8bosfoodbank . Cada um pode achar à sua maneira de fazer o bem. O importante é cuidarmos uns dos outros da maneira que podemos. #juntossomosmaisfortes 🙏❤ I’ve been researching ways I can help during this time. Now more than ever, we need to have solidarity and empathy. I wanted to share some organizations that I am donating to in case anyone would like to support them too. In Brazil, in addition to supporting the Santa Casa de Misericórdia hospital in Porto Alegre, I am creating a special fund, called Luz Alliance, in partnership with the @brazilfound, to help children, the elderly and the most vulnerable families, through the donation of food and hygiene kits. In the United States, we partnered with @wheelsup8760 and @feedingamerica on their @mealsup initiative and donated to food banks in both Tampa @feedingtampabay and Boston @gr8bosfoodbank. I am also donating to some wonderful organizations: @Wimbelemdon, @timefomedeaprender, @redeBancodeAlimentosrs, @CufaBrasil – mothers from the favela, @mulheremconstrucao_oficial and the Association of Friends of the Presidente Vargas Maternity Hospital, who are working tirelessly to help those in need. Everyone can find their own way of doing good. The important thing is to take care of each other the best way we can. 🙏❤ #togetherwearestronger

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“Tom and Gisele are aligned and symbiotic when it comes to the kids’ discipline, and use each life moment as a way to learn and grow,” says the source. “Gisele’s a passionate environmentalist, and Tom’s very charitable himself. They both prioritize teaching their kids kindness, generosity and giving back.”

For more on Brady and Bündchen’s solid 11-year romance, watch the video above and pick up the new issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands now.

With reporting by Marc Lupo

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