Meghan King ‘Wasn’t Looking Forward’ to Mother’s Day as Single Mom



Meghan King admits she dreading spending her first Mother’s Day without a partner amid her divorce from Jim Edmonds.

“I wasn’t looking forward to this Mother’s Day,” the former Real Housewives of Orange County star, 35, captioned a photo on Instagram on Sunday, May 10, that showed her smiling with her kids, two of whom were crying. “Quarantined with 3 screaming toddlers for 9 weeks while trying to work hasn’t exactly been a prime environment for me to feel like I’m earning any mother-of-the-year awards.”

“Being prisoners in our home has killed our spirits and crushed our souls,” King admitted of the coronavirus quarantine and social distancing restrictions. “Then add this: it’s my first Mother’s Day I’m spending without a partner, something I NEVER envisioned. ‘Families are created out of unconditional love’ I thought. ‘Two parents weather life’s storms but always remain together to celebrate the subsequent rainbows’ I thought. But that is not my story and that makes me feel deeply regretful – like I failed my children by not giving them a nuclear family. But today I am refusing to dwell on mistakes and s–tty situations I can’t control; today I control my reaction.”

The podcast host continued, “I miss my step-kids who made me a mother before I had children of my own and I am sending them so much love. I miss my freedom. And I mourn the loss of what could’ve been. But despite this I look at my beautiful tribe with pride because I am a mother to three incredible kids and I’m the only one they’ve got. To all the mamas out there, I lift you up in solidarity for the all the hard times and in celebration of the good times. Hats off to us today, for all the hats we wear.”

King and Edmonds split in October after five years of marriage amid allegations that he had cheated on her with one of the couple’s four nannies (both Jim and the nanny denied it). The estranged couple share daughter Aspen, 3, and twin sons Hayes and Hart, 24 months.

Meghan King Admits She 'Wasn't Looking Forward' to Mother's Day as a Single Mom Amid Jim Edmonds Split
Meghan King Courtesy Meghan King/Instagram

Her introspective post came a day after her estranged husband stepped out with his new girlfriend, Kortnie O’Connor, a woman who he and Meghan allegedly had a threesome with years before their breakup.

Meghan King Admits She 'Wasn't Looking Forward' to Mother's Day as a Single Mom Amid Jim Edmonds Split
Jim Edmonds and Kortnie O’Connor Courtesy Kortnie O’Connor/Instagram

O’Connor shared a photo of herself and the former St. Louis Cardinals player enjoying the great outdoors with friends in Hermann, Missouri on Saturday, May 9. “Finally out of the house,” she captioned the pic on her Instagram Stories.

The mom blogger announced during the Sunday episode of her “Intimate Knowledge” podcast that she had reverted to her maiden name and dropped Edmonds’ last name amid their divorce and custody battle.

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