Meghan King Edmonds Is ‘Over’ Dating Apps, Admits She Wants a ‘Partner’



Self-care. Meghan King Edmonds misses having a partner, but is currently putting the focus on loving herself, she revealed on the latest episode of her “Intimate Knowledge” podcast.

“Last week I was dating in London, this week I’m not, and so, it’s weird, and honestly I’m kind of over it,” she told cohosts Brooke Burke and sex and intimacy coach Lila Darville on the Monday, April 27, episode. “I was just talking to my friend about, I was asking her — she’s single — and I was asking her if her likes have decreased on the dating apps and she said no. I said, ‘Mine have,’ but maybe it’s because coronavirus is affecting our ability to physically meet up? Or maybe I’m old news on the dating apps. Who knows?”

Edmonds, 35, then explained that she’s viewed her online dating as an “experiment,” changing her location to London and looking at the men there.

Meghan King Edmonds Talks Dating Herself After Briefly Online Dating Jingle Ball Pink Jump Suit
Meghan King Edmonds attends KIIS-FM iHeartRadio Jingle Ball on December 6, 2019 at The Forum in Los Angeles, California. AFF-USA/Shutterstock

“It was just fun and exciting and this week I’m like, ‘Hmm, I’m not really into it.’ I’m into meditating and being present and I started writing stuff on my mirror, Brooke! I set my intentions on my mirror every morning with a dry erase marker,” the former Real Housewives of Orange County star said. “I guess that’s where my energy is with the dating, just to kind of date myself for a little bit. … Master dating, that’s what I call it!”

Darville then advised her to be her own lover — something she has been doing.

“I gave myself a hug today and it felt really good, to give myself a hug. Like, I just close my eyes, and I felt my mind and I gave myself a hug, because I do miss physical touch,” the former reality star admitted. “I just want to hold somebody’s hand or get a hug and whether or not, in the age of coronavirus or not, as a single woman, I want to be partnered up. I want that relationship. It was never my idea to get divorced and yet here I am and I’m happier than ever now but I do want a partner. So, just to hug myself, it feels good.”

Meghan King Edmonds Talks Dating Herself After Briefly Online Dating, Jim Edmonds, Kids, Family
Meghan King Edmonds and Jim Edmonds with their children. Courtesy of Meghan King Edmonds/Instagram

Us Weekly broke the news in October 2019 that Edmonds and husband, Jim Edmonds, were separating after five years of marriage. The pair share three children: daughter Aspen, 3, and twins Hayes and Hart, 22 months. Meghan accused Jim of being unfaithful with their nanny, which he adamantly denied.

On April 15, the former professional baseball player confirmed he was in a relationship with Kortnie O’Connor via Instagram.

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