Martha Stewart Writes Incomprehensible Instagram Comment After ‘Drinking’



Someone is having a little too much fun in quarantine! Martha Stewart left an incomprehensible comment on an Instagram post recently and blamed the funny faux pas on “drinking.”

It all started when the Instagram account for the Best Little Hen House In Texas, a group of seven hens living in the Lone Star state, shared a video clip of a group of growing baby chicks on Thursday, April 9. The post’s caption read: “It’s remarkable how fast these chicks turn into chickens; it took less than 2 weeks for them outgrow their brooder and we had to move them to larger digs. Good thing too, because round 2 of chicks will be arriving just in time for Easter.”

Two days later, on Saturday, April 11, Stewart, 78, weighed in with her two cents and left a hilariously nonsensical reply. “M as me sure you feed and wAter them daily And keep the heat lss as no BK in s as Nd when you can finally come back to nyc who is going to care for them??” she asked.

Mere hours after that comment was posted, the lifestyle guru seemingly realized the error of her ways. “😂What a mess,” she quipped in a separate comment below her earlier entry. “I have been drinking.”

The mishap was picked up by the Comments By Celebs Instagram account, which showed solidarity with Stewart. As the outlet put it: “We’ve all been there.”


Not surprisingly, the comment from the Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party cohost endeared her to dozens of social media users. “Martha drunk Instagramming is what the world needs right now,” wrote one. Another added: “I love this so much.”

Aside from the occasional LOL-worthy social media comment, Stewart has been lying low amid the coronavirus pandemic and spending time at her Bedford, New York, property, where she has a “poultry complex” that recently welcomed a gaggle of baby geese.

“Moved the goslings to the poultry complex Where they seem very happy!” she captioned an April 7 Instagram post of the cute livestock.

The Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook author has also been keeping busy filming cooking tutorials and spending time with her grandchildren, who visited her New York farm last month. “The kids in action – working the fields with @ryanmccallister1 @troybilt getting the fields ready for early crops like peas and brassicas and root crops like beets and radish,” Stewart captioned an Instagram video of Jude, 9, and Truman, 8, hard at work.

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