Martha Stewart Thanks ‘Blake Lively’s Husband Ryan Reynolds’ for Gin



Friendly neighbors! Martha Stewart is thanking Ryan Reynolds for an unexpected Aviation Gin delivery he brought to her New York farm recently.

The lifestyle guru, 78, took to her Instagram on Wednesday, April 15, to acknowledge the much-appreciated surprise. “Tonight: Wine, gin, wine, gin, gin, gin, gin, gin — Ryan Reynolds’ gin.” Stewart said as she counted off each of the alcohol bottles placed in front of her. “Blake Lively’s husband Ryan Reynolds’ gin.”

The Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook author, who was holding a caviar-topped cracker in her hand as she marveled at her stash, then mentioned all of the components of her snack, adding, “Caviar, crème fraîche, gin and wine.”

Martha Stewart Thanks Blake Lively Husband Ryan Reynolds Gin
Martha Stewart, Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Shutterstock (2)

The Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party cohost thanked Reynolds, 43, and Lively, 32, again in the Instagram caption. “@vancityreynolds and @blakelively dropped off a smalll [sic] supply of @aviationgin last night (They are good neighbors) and they have gin!!!” she wrote. “I have wine @marthawineco. Wine or gin? What do you think??????”

Reynolds, who owns Aviation gin, was thrilled to get a shoutout from Stewart. He included a still from her social media update in his Instagram Stories and wrote over it: “When my wife sees this … I’m getting pregnant.”

As the Deadpool star expected, Lively was ecstatic about the turn of events and took to her own Instagram Stories to weigh in. “@vancityreynolds you’ve finally done it,” she wrote over a still of Stewart and her new gin supply. “Wear something sexy tonight.”

The Gossip Girl alum, who acknowledged she doesn’t imbibe, then posted a follow-up Instagram Story with a cocktail suggestion. “@marthastewart48 I’m vying for a job. What if you mixed that rosé with gin: #MARthaTINI,” she wrote. “I don’t drink. But Google says it will work. What could possibly go wrong?”

Martha Stewart Thanks Blake Lively Husband Ryan Reynolds Gin
Martha Stewart. Courtesy Martha Stewart/Instagram

This is the second time in recent days that Stewart has had a bit of drink-related fun while in quarantine amid the coronavirus pandemic. On Saturday, April 11, the New Jersey native left an incomprehensible Instagram comment on a page dedicated to baby chickens and soon realized the error of her ways. “😂What a mess,” she quipped at the time. “I have been drinking.”

For his part, Reynolds announced last month that he is donating 30 percent of Aviation Gin proceeds to out-of-work bartenders until May 1. The 6 Underground star and Lively also donated $1 million to two organizations representing food banks across the United States and his native Canada.

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