Mandy Moore made an appearance on the latest at-home edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Thursday. Here’s what the 36-year-old entertainer shared:
On supposed to being on tour right now: “My first time going on tour in 13 years! Since the world has shut down, the music industry has shut down. I’m sure there’s lots of tour busses that are just sitting, empty. We were supposed to be on the road but we’ve been here, quarantined for the last six weeks.”
On performing virtual concerts from home: “My husband Taylor [Goldsmith] is in my band. We wrote this whole record together, he plays on it and he was going to be on the road with me. So we decided once a week, he plays some of his music and I play some of my music. It’s been this catharsis at the end of the week and gives us something to work towards and look forward to.” (A few weeks ago, Mandy performed A Walk to Remember‘s “Only Hope” live for first time in over 16 years!)
On not being proud of having size-10 feet: “I found this bizarre, unofficial Mandy Moore book (while rummaging through old memorabilia). It’s an actual book that was for sale for $12.95 that someone wrote without me knowing about it but it has lots of fun facts. Like, this page here is ’10 Things We Love About Mandy,’ and the very first fact is ‘Mandy is proud of her big feet. She wears a size 10 shoe. They call her Big Foot but she doesn’t care, she thinks they’re cool feet.’ (laughs) I do have a size-10 foot, but I’m not proud of it!”
We love you Mandy, size-10 feet and all!
Click inside to watch Mandy Moore’s interview with Jimmy Kimmel…
Mandy Moore on Performing at Home & Finding Old Memorabilia
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