The residents of Los Angeles will be at home for at least another month.
Public health officials in Los Angeles Country have extended the “safer at home” order to May 15 in order to slow the spread of coronavirus. The original order was supposed to end on April 19.
Public gatherings are banned during this time and beaches, hiking trails, parks, and all non-essential businesses are closed.
The country’s public health director Barbara Ferrer says that the efforts of the county have helped flatten the curve.
“We know it’s effective, but we still have a ways to go to in order to both protect the lives of the people in our county and make sure the health care system remains fully able to service all who need their care,” she said (via Variety). “I’m as sad as you are to not that this is not the time to lift.”
Essential businesses are now required to provide employees with a cloth face covering if they are working near other people.
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