Laura Dern Just Tried ‘Wonderful’ Tequila for the First Time



Expanding her horizons! Laura Dern recently revealed that she just tried tequila for the first time after years of being “scared” of the potent spirit.

The revelation came to light while Dern, 53, was video-chatting with pal Reese Witherspoon on Monday, May 4, while in quarantine amid the coronavirus pandemic. Over the course of their conversation, which was uploaded to 44-year-old Witherspoon’s YouTube channel, the Big Little Lies costars talked about their bond, motherhood and more.

At one point, Witherspoon asked her friend to name her “favorite quarantine cocktail.”

Dern, who was sipping on a glass of rosé throughout the chat, paused and let out a laugh. “I, like Renata, pretty much drink wine,” the Enlightened alum said, referencing her vino-guzzling Big Little Lies character. “That’s it, my whole life. I’ve never had cocktails, guys.”

However, that all changed very recently. “I have to admit, for the first time in my life, truth, I have had tequila.”

Not surprisingly, the Oscar winner had nothing but good things to say about her first encounter with the popular Mexican spirit. “It is as wonderful as everyone says,” she added with an assured nod. “I didn’t know.”

The Marriage Story star went onto explain that she was “scared” of tequila after shooting a movie in Mexico when she was 18 and seeing the spirit for the first time. “I saw a worm in somebody’s tequila and I was like, ’These people are crazy. I’m never going to drink tequila,’ and that was it,” she recalled.

“I always said no and then I was sent some tequila,” Dern continued.

Like a good pal, Witherspoon, who noted she is a fan of tequila on ice, warned the Little Women star about drinking a tad too much of the alcoholic beverage. “Somebody said, ’Tequila makes your clothes fall off,’” she declared, referencing a viewer’s comment. “It’s a country song.”

“Of course I would discover tequila then, during quarantine, which maybe is bad or not,” Dern quipped with a laugh. “I’m not sure yet. The verdict is out!”

Though the Jurassic Park star has just begun to experiment with the world of cocktails, she certainly knows how to whip up a tasty meal and dessert. In April, she made chicken and dumplings with her mother, Diane Ladd, and on May 4 she baked “fresh biscuits,” which she showed off on Instagram.

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