Kristin Cavallari, Jay Cutler Separated the Day They Returned From the Bahamas



Vacation blues. Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler‘s date of separation noticeably matches the date they returned from their extended stay in the Bahamas earlier this month.

According to documents obtained by Us Weekly, the 36-year-old former football player declared the date of his separation as April 21. However, the 33-year-old reality TV personality made a significant correction in her counter-complaint. Cavallari listed the date of separation as April 7, the same day she and Cutler got back to Nashville after their tropical quarantine with their children, Camden, 7, Jaxon, 5, and Saylor, 4, and close friends.

The Very Cavallari star and retired athlete enjoyed a “modern family spring break” with Justin Anderson and his fiancé, Austin “Scoot” Rhodes, in March. Days after their arrival, the Bahamian government issued a lockdown order in response to four reported cases of COVID-19 on the island. The group continued to share updates on their health and safety “during these scary times” via social media and eventually made it back to the United States on April 7.

Kristin Cavallari, Jay Cutler Separated When They Left the Bahamas Justin Anderson, Jay Cutler, Kristin Cavallari, and Austin Rhodes Instagram Beach Drink Straw Hat
(L-R) Justin Anderson, Jay Cutler, Kristin Cavallari, and Austin Rhodes. Courtesy of Justin Anderson/Instagram

Nearly three weeks after their return, Cavallari and Cutler confirmed that they would be going their separate ways after 10 years together. “We have nothing but love and respect for one another and are deeply grateful for the years shared, memories made, and the children we are so proud of. This is just the situation of two people growing apart,” the Laguna Beach alum wrote in an emotional Instagram statement on Sunday, April 26.

Kristin Cavallari, Jay Cutler Separated When They Left the Bahamas
Kristin Cavallari and Jay Cutler Shutterstock (2)

The estranged couple tied the knot in June 2013 after three years of dating. Court documents regarding their split reveal that Cavallari cited “inappropriate marital conduct” and “irreconcilable differences” as the reason for the divorce. The Uncommon James founder also requested primary physical custody of their three children and denied that Cutler “has always been the available at-home parent and primary caretaker” throughout their marriage. According to Cavallari, the former quarterback “is guilty of such inappropriate marital conduct as renders further cohabitation unsafe and improper.”

Despite the messy details of their divorce, an insider previously told Us exclusively that “there’s nothing scandalous or suspect” about the pair’s split. “They just fell out of love and grew apart,” the source added.

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